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Fadli Zon Emphasizes Global Solidarity and Peace at the IAF 2024 Parliamentary Forum


Bali – The Chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Body (BKSAP) of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Fadli Zon, in his speech at the Indonesia Africa Parliamentary Forum 2024, emphasized the importance of a shared commitment to justice, solidarity, and global peace.

In his speech, Fadli emphasized the close relationship between Indonesia and African countries, which he considers an important priority for Indonesia.

“Today we gather to reaffirm our commitment to justice, solidarity, and peace,” said Fadli Zon in Bali, Sunday (September 1).

“The relationship between Indonesia and African countries is something we highly value, both for me personally and for all the people of Indonesia.”

As a country that once served as a driving force behind the Non-Aligned Movement, Fadli emphasized that Indonesia must not lose its role in advocating for global justice.

It reminds us that advocacy must be carried out actively and loudly, especially in the midst of the current global information system filled with fake news and injustice.

“We must not be passive in responding to global issues. Our voices must be louder, especially in the face of a global information system filled with hoaxes,” he emphasized.

Fadli also touched on the importance of remembering the spirit of the historic Asian-African Conference in Bandung, as well as the need to continue the struggle against colonialism and global injustice.

“Six decades after the Bandung Conference, although physical colonization has ended, colonization in a new form still exists, particularly in the social and economic injustices driven by the world’s great powers,” he said.

Furthermore, Fadli hopes that this forum can strengthen parliamentary cooperation between Indonesia and African countries, particularly in supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people.

“I hope this forum becomes a pathway to build stronger parliamentary cooperation in supporting our brothers and sisters in Palestine, and more importantly, to voice a message of hope for Palestinian independence,” Fadli stated.

He also emphasized that Indonesia is always ready to continue collaborating with African countries to achieve common goals, including in the areas of food security, inclusive economic development, and renewable energy.

“With commitment and collective action, we have everything we need to advance peace, progress, and prosperity for our communities and our nation,” he concluded.


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