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Fadli Zon’s Poetry Returns to Controversy


By: Ananda Rasti *

The behavior of Deputy Chairperson of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Fadli Zon, returned to controversy. The Deputy Chairperson of Gerindra again created poetry. This time, his poem was titled “Prayer for Exchanging”, inspired by the scene of the incident of Kiai Haji Maimun Zubair aka Mbah Moen who mispronounced his name while praying next to the number 1 candidate president.

In the poem written in Bogor, Fadli Zon mentioned the matter of sacred prayer, religion that was on sale and leadership.

“Sacred prayer, arbitrarily you begal, embroidered patches, have no morality, religion is on sale,” read the first verse in Fadli Zon’s poem.

In the second verse, Fadli Zon writes the word ‘you’ in the poem.

“Sacred prayer, why do you exchange, revised the dealer, whispered brokers, messy scenarios disbanded, performances of vulgar slapstick,” continued Fadli.

It is this word ‘you’ in the second verse that has sparked some comments from Warganet, including national figures. Deputy Chairperson of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Joko Widodo-Maruf Amin, Arsul Sani said that the poem entitled ‘Prayer for Exchange’ made by Fadli Zon harmed candidate pair president and vice president number 02, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno. According to him, Fadli Zon’s poem made Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) residents called Nahdliyin stay away from the Prabowo-Sandi couple and were more profitable to the Jokowi-Ma’ruf couple. The PPP Secretary General explained that the loss was because Fadli Zon’s poetry was against the NU culture and distinctiveness.

On another occasion, the Chairperson of the United Development Party (PPP) M. Romahurmuziy also responded to Fadli Zon’s poem via his Twitter social media account on Wednesday (5/2). Romi insinuated his political opponents as the party who shouted for the ulama’s defense, later it even lowered the ulama. He also quipped the opponent so as not to carry the name of God while the Islamic Shari’a, namely the five daily prayers and Ramadan fasting were abandoned.

“Stop all narratives, as if you are the holiest. Because leaders in Islam are clearly of size, not insulting scholars and scaring their people,” Romi said.

Fadli also responded to Lukman’s question via his Twitter account yesterday. He stated that what he meant by the pronoun ‘You’ was not Kiai Maimoen Zubaer (Mbah Moen), but a ‘ruler and prayer broker’.

Meanwhile, Minister of Religion (Minister of Religion) Lukman Hakim Saifuddin immediately clarified who the ‘you’ figure was in Fadli Zon’s poem through his Twitter account.

Gus Dur’s daughter, Alissa Wahid, did not escape the fury with Fadli Zon’s poetry. This can be seen on the @AlissaWahid twitter account on Tuesday (5/2/2019). Alissa claimed that she had never commented on Fadli Zon before the poem. But according to him, Fadli Zon was outrageous if the word “You” in the poem in question was Mbah Moen.

Even though Fadli Zon has replied that the “You” figure in his poem is not Mbah Moen, it is better if he does not do something that can worsen and intensify the atmosphere, especially before the 2019 Presidential Election. , let Fadli literate the public with material that calms and brings peace and unity to the people. Don’t just provoke a stir that can disrupt the election.

The mistake uttered by Kiai Maimun Zubair or Mbah Moen when offering prayers should not need to be politicized or even responded with a poetic poem which seemed to harass a cleric. Because after all, besides being a teacher and model, the kiai is a symbol of the honor of the santri. Kiai is not only a symbol of honor, but also the spirit and spirit of the santri. Many santri are disappointed and angry if their kai is harassed.

* The author is an observer of social and political problems

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