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Get rid of radicalism from the Republic of Indonesia


By: Aldia Putra )*

Since the reform era, radicalism movements have emerged in Indonesia in various ways, not infrequently these movements have serious impacts such as bomb terror and even terror in places of worship like in the Church.

Radicalism is an absorption of the word radix which in Latin means root, the term is often used in the 18th century for supporters of the radical movement.

If we interpret Pancasila comprehensively, radicalism will never be in accordance with the values ​​of Pancasila, actions such as intimidating minorities of different faiths, are certainly not justified.

Radicalism seems to enter quietly in Indonesia, through studies where the content of the study leads to hatred towards democracy, and wants to establish a khilafah state in Indonesia.

The danger of radicalism in Indonesia is increasingly apparent. Bombing in Surabaya, the culprit is a complete family, namely parents and their four children. In one attack, the bomb was tied to the children, could they possibly have the belief that a suicide bombing in the church would make him go to heaven?

Even though the great prophet Muhammad PBUH respected his brothers who did not embrace Islam if they did not interfere or attack Muslims.

Then is it proper, we are trapped into superficial thoughts, that by killing infidels, then we will automatically go to heaven? Whereas in religion we are asked to maintain peace on earth, not to raise the flag of hostility.

In fact, the radical understanding that can become the seeds of terrorism continues to grow rapidly, especially in urban areas, through various agencies ranging from religious studies to targeting universities. These symptoms are also supported by the increasing anxiety or stress levels of urban communities over the increasingly complex social life.

These middle class do not have enough time to reflect new understandings in the midst of the various activities that they face everyday.

If in the past terrorists were often associated with weak economic factors, the phenomenon has now changed. Today many people who come from established families, seem happy but spiritually dry or complicated issues and make them feel socially alienated.

Then they choose to join certain groups because they find comfort there.

In addition to the changing dynamics of social life in the middle class in the form of certain disappointments to the social and political realities that they face, the role of information technology, especially social media, accelerates the process of radicalization.

Therefore, the community, especially the younger generation, must be given immunization so that they are not influenced by radicalism. The younger generation, especially students, need to know and understand radicalism and its prevention efforts.

Terrorism observer Taufik Andrie added, there must be real action in combating the development of radicalism and its growth, because actually the development of ideologies such as radicalism can grow in the midst of society.

In Bekasi, for example, Bekasi Metro Police spread banners containing appeals and rejection of radicalism and acts of terrorism in the Bekasi Regency jurisdiction.

Dozens of banners were installed on the streets of the protocol, the edge of the road, village government offices, districts and districts, as well as public services to places of worship.

The banners are intended to remind the public of the dangers of radicalism and terrorist movements.

In addition, the Bekasi Metro District Police together with the Regional Leadership Deliberation (Muspida) of Bekasi Regency have also signed a Memorandum of Undestanding or Memorandum of Understanding to prevent radicalism.

On October 13, 2019, at least 7000 students throughout Indonesia gathered at the National PAI IX 2019 stage in Makassar, at the event they also expressed their loyalty to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Unitary Republic of Indonesia), Unity in Diversity, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. to reject radicalism and everything that leads to acts of terrorism and all things that have the potential to divide the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

This of course can be an example of an effort to ward off radicalism that is spreading in society, although the role of the family is also important in preventing radicalism in a primary way, at least the family can give an understanding to their children that terrorism is evil and jihad is not an act of terror.

)* The author is a social political observer

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