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Golput Problems


CIDISS. In every democracy party like a simultaneous pilkada, the problem of golput is one of the most haunting concerns. According to data collected by the KPU in legislative elections in 2015, the registered voter turnout rate is only 70%. It raises the question that where is the remaining 30%?

As commonly known, ‘whites’ or ‘golput’ are groups that choose not to exercise their suffrage in elections for various reasons. But if you look at the historical context, golput first appeared in Indonesia from the movement of young groups who feel their political aspirations are not represented by candidates in the 1971 election. The young groups that were then raised by figures such as Arief Budiman and Imam Waluyo, invited people to casting a blank or white part of the ballot. Therefore, this movement became known as the white group.

If this movement originally represents a strong political aspiration to oppose the choice, it can not be denied that many who claim to be current golput are more used to groups that are totally indifferent to the political process taking place in Indonesia.

Nevertheless, there is also the assumption that golput is used by those who regard the candidates of available regional heads as unqualified or unable to become figures who can lead the region well. From the assumption, the thought arises to not choose at all compared to having to choose a candidate who is not good among the options. If none of the options exist at all competent, then they do not want to force them to vote.

Although it does not have a significant impact, the growing number of voters is also a concern. This is because the high number of turnout voters may endanger the constitutionality of an election. Logically, if the number of voters golput more and more, it can be interpreted that the number of potential voters also decreased. It can be used by the losers in the democracy party as a material to file a lawsuit. To that end, in order to preserve our constitutional state, let us increase our participation in the 2018 regional head elections.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)


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