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Government Finalizes Preparations for G20 Summit in Bali


By: Aldia Putra 

The implementation of the G20 Summit is a strategic forum to show Indonesia’s leadership. Therefore, the support of all parties is needed so that the event can be held successfully.

This time, Indonesia was really highlighted by the world for being the Presidency as well as hosting the world forum, namely the G20 Summit. Therefore, all parties including the Ministry of Transportation and the Bali Police continue to coordinate related to traffic engineering management to the finalization of plans for the use of electric vehicles for the G20 Summit delegates.

Regarding this, the Director General of Land Transportation, Hendro Sugiatno, stated that in general coordination was carried out to carefully prepare the international event for the G20 Summit which will be held in Bali on November 15-16, 2022.

In his official tetragon, Hendro explained that his party would continue to see how the concepts in the implementation of security and traffic engineering are implemented.

He wants to synchronize in an effort to run the G20 related to transportation and traffic engineering issues.

So far, the traffic engineering preparations have been prepared by the government and all that remains is to coordinate the implementation of the tactical floor game or TFG.

Meanwhile, related to electric vehicles, Director General Hendro also admitted that his party had prepared as many as 30 electric buses that would serve four corridors from the airport to Nusa Dua and there were also several other buses to support the implementation of the G20.
Furthermore, Hendro also hopes that all work and implementation of G20 readiness can be carried out together. Then the Bali Police Chief Inspector General Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra also stated that his party would hold the Puri Agung 2022 operation and deploy approximately 6,744 personnel with the support of the National Police Headquarters. He also revealed that there are seven security objects starting from the airport along the route that will be carried out security, namely in the Sawangan area, GWK area, Mangrove Forest and Turtle Island. There are also eight intersections in the Bali area that need engineering.
Not only that, but the Bali Police also thanked the Bali Transportation Service for providing facilities to connect CCTV so that it can be monitored at the Bali Police command center.
The Bali Police Chief explained that the Command Center provided is indeed quite complete with features that already support security with additional CCTV facilities from the Transportation Service so that it can be taken from every port, entrances to Bali, as well as highways that are the delegation routes.
The Bali Police Chief admitted that he also continues to support the National Police Headquarters, especially at the entrances to the existing CCTV facilities and is also equipped with FR or facial recognition features that will be connected to the Command Center.
In response to this, the Director of Road Traffic at the Ministry of Transportation, Cucu Mulyana, stated that his party would conduct further coordination regarding the 10 intersections detected in the survey results. The reason is, there are members of the delegation staying in the Sanur area so that the intersection will be added to two which will be affected by traffic engineering.
Cucu Mulyana also added that related to odd-even will be carried out on nine roads and road transportation restrictions on four or five roads. In addition, the Bali Police will also directly deploy patrols from Polair along the route, especially on toll roads, considering that there are water areas under the toll road. Security is also carried out on the shoreline of the Sawangan and ITDC areas where there are lodgings.
Regarding the availability of bus transportation, Director of Road Transport, Suharto explained that the buses that will be used in the G20 have provided special scenarios. Based on this scenario, 30 electric buses will be provided which will later become a means of mobilization.
He also explained that there was indeed a slight constraint in travel time, but regarding this matter, the technicalities would continue to be discussed and he would continue to ask for input on the four corridors that were prepared. The headway is about 5 to 10 minutes, while charging stations at SPKLU have been provided in several locations with one electric bus taking approximately 4 hours to charge.
The preparations made are not only about traffic and safety, but also from a health perspective. In the health sector, the Ministry of Health will focus on strengthening 4 things to ensure the momentum of the meeting runs safely and healthily.
The first thing is about tightened health protocols, then the second thing is that surveillance will be carried out to prevent an increase in COVID-19 cases by strengthening 3T. Then for the third thing is vaccination and the last is the treatment system, which has provided 5 hospitals that have been prepared for referrals for health services at the G20 Summit.
All efforts have been made by the Government, from the aspect of traffic management, security to health for the smooth implementation of the G20 Summit. Therefore, it is very important to have support from all parties of the Indonesian people because it will also bring the good name of this nation.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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