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Indonesia More Developed Because of Jokowi – JK


CIDISS. On October 20, 2014, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Jusuf Kalla (JK) were officially sworn in as president and vice president of Indonesian Republic. In the process, in the 2014 presidential election there were only two candidates competing for the presidency, namely Jokowi and Prabowo. Both proved very strong and have the capability to become President of Indonesia. Although the competition is quite tight, it does not cause riots so that the 2014 presidential election can be done safely and peacefully.

Seeing his track record, Jokowi’s government is already known populist. This is evident when Jokowi became Mayor of Solo and became Mayor of DKI Jakarta, where he idolized most young people as leaders who have simplicity. Jokowi is seen quite often down to the field to review the development directly. In fact, Jokowi did not hesitate down into the ditch to see first hand the causes of Jakarta flood.

Without the feeling, it’s been 4 years Jokowi-JK couple led the country. There has been much development going on in this country of motherland. Especially on infrastructure. The most notable success of the government is the massive construction of infrastructure throughout the country. Development, toll roads, airports, ports and others are clearly physically visible and are instantly impacted by the economy. The good impact of this infrastructure development is the increasing tourism sector in each region. Apart from infrastructure development, there are many other achievements that have been made by Jokowi – JK government so that it becomes an achievement donated to Indonesia.

However, it can not be denied that many circulated negative news related Jokowi – JK government, especially entering the period before the 2019 presidential election as it is today. Therefore, it is expected that the candidate of the voters can be more intelligent and check the truth of the news was first before spreading it. This is because not necessarily the news given is the right information, otherwise, it is possible that the spread of the news has other goals, such as dropping the credibility of the government in the eyes of the public. Apart from that, it is expected that the success that has been achieved by the Jokowi – JK government since it was inaugurated to date can build Indonesia so as to be more successful and able to compete in international level.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

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