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Indonesia’s G20 Presidency Encourages National and Global Economic Strengthening


The Indonesian economy has been greatly helped by the holding of the G20 Summit on November 15-16, in Bali .

Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Destry Damayanti stated that the G20 Indonesia Presidency strives to continue to maintain global development goals in order to encourage stronger, sustainable, balanced and inclusive global economic growth.

“In terms of the finance track, the G20 Indonesia Presidency has formulated six priority agendas which include an exit strategy to support recovery, overcoming the impact of the pandemic to secure future growth, and a payment system in the digital era,” explained Destry Damayanti.https://d98343a2504fc55d57d8862c0d8f3481.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-39/html/container.html

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In addition, the BI Senior Governor continued, there is also sustainability finance, through digital financial inclusion and MSME development, as well as international taxation.

“I think the six agendas are still relevant to current conditions and also in the future, although the formulation may be different, but the essence of the problem will be more or less the same,” said Destry.

Similarly, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Employers’ Association (APINDO), Hariyadi Sukamdani, said that the various activities of the G20 Presidency in Indonesia had a positive impact on the national economic recovery and also introduced Indonesia’s potential in the eyes of the international community.

” The G20 Summit will increase incoming foreign exchange so that economic recovery is achieved, especially in the Bali area and its surroundings, so that the international world will know Indonesia’s potential, and will indirectly be interested in investing in Indonesia,” said Hariyadi.

In addition to the economic recovery and promotion of Indonesia’s potential internationally, the General Chairperson of APINDO explained the benefits that Indonesia has gained as the G20 Presidency . Indonesia can take a proactive role in various international cooperation forums so as to improve state relations between the G20 for the better.

“Although global geopolitical conditions are still overshadowed by uncertainty, especially due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Indonesia’s G20 Presidency must be able to maintain connectivity and global supply chains in order to create better and closer relations between the G20s ,” said Hariyadi.

Previously, the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Susiwijono Moegiarso, said that the G20 Forum had a significant impact on global economic recovery because it focused on strengthening multilateral cooperation, concrete deliverables, and determining the direction of future economic and financial policies.

“According to the President’s direction, the G20 Presidency of Indonesia is expected to provide tangible benefits for the Indonesian people and the world and most importantly, increase Indonesia’s role, profile and exposure in the eyes of the world,” said Susiwijono in the G20 Sherpa Track Sharing Session : Can Indonesia Accelerate Recovery and Transformation.

To maintain the momentum of economic recovery, the government continues to implement the main strategies and policies in handling the pandemic, namely by coordinating fiscal policy as a shock absorber, including continuing the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program.

“In the long term, to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic development, the grand strategy that will be continued in 2023 is to push back structural reforms, one of which is through the implementation of the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations,” he said.

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