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The entire Indonesian community is expected to continue to maintain peace and be grateful for the harmony that has existed so far. Indonesia is a large country, consisting of 17,000 islands, 1,370 tribes and 800 languages. We should be grateful for life in Indonesia because we can move safely and peacefully. We can do activities without having to feel afraid and gripping. Indonesia’s wealth is not only proud, but also has the potential to cause divisions.

The Soviet Union, a superpower in ancient times has now disappeared from the world map because it was split into dozens of small independent countries. Likewise, Yugoslavia, a country that was prosperous with a very strong army, has now become its own countries, according to the groups that live there. Now Lebanon is engulfed by an endless civil war. In that country, battles can occur at any time even if previously in peaceful conditions.

The atmosphere like in Indonesia must be maintained. The method is that all groups and tribes respect each other. No group should feel victorious alone and all parties must be willing to sacrifice for the common good. One example of the attitude of tolerance and sacrifice that young people should emulate is when Indonesian Muslims are willing to erase the seven words in the Jakarta Charter to make Pancasila as it is known today. At that time, the ulemas prioritized the unity and integrity of Indonesia when compared to the religious ego. With voluntary and high sincerity they chose the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia over an Islamic state. Therefore, it is our duty now to maintain the peace that exists in Indonesian earth and ward off those who try to harass it.

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