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Kemendes extends the Coverage of Central Sulawesi Post-Disaster Management


CIDISS. The Ministry of Villages for the Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration will expand the reach of post-disaster management in Central Sulawesi. Special Staff of Mendes PDTT Risharyudi Triwibowo also co-founded the Central Sulawesi disaster management post in Palu City. A number of assistance was provided to help reduce the burden of unreached survivors in a number of villages.

Triwibowo said that the post provided logistical assistance, public kitchens, health workers and information. This location became a gathering place for communities and youth organizations before the disaster yesterday.

He added, the post is on Jalan Dr. Wahidin Palu City has been established since the first day after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Kota Palu, Donggala, and Sigi. The work of the volunteer team at the post continued to be extended to Sigi, Donggala, and Parigi Regencies in the West Coast.

He said, in addition to being active in the post, he also visited the residents of Sidera Village in Sigi who were still traumatized because the family and his house had been swallowed up by the earth. The normal travel time from Palu City is usually only one hour, but due to the liquidation phenomenon yesterday it took three hours.

Triwibowo also prepared an ambulance car that could be used for simple treatment. This was initiated to address refugees who have not received medical treatment.

Triwibowo said, the idea was to pick up the ball. Besides bringing logistics to the points needed, this car also carries simple medical equipment equipped with medical personnel. We hope this can help victims who have not been reached.

Until now, the team continues to work to meet the basic needs of refugees living in temporary posts and tents. In addition to the command post, the Ministry of Health PDTT also established the main command post at the Palu City Transmigration Center.

With the Ministry of Education’s efforts to expand the coverage of post-disaster management in Central Sulawesi, hopefully it can help victims who have not been reached to the maximum and reduce at least a little of their burden.

By: Reza Setiawan*)

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