KPK Inaugurates 1,271 ASN on the Sacred Day of the Birth of Pancasila
By: Achmad Faisal
A total of 1,271 employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) were inaugurated as State Civil Apparatus (ASN) on the birthday of Pancasila, June 1, 2021. An inauguration that is sacred because it coincides with the birthday of the Indonesian state symbol, Pancasila.
Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, said that the reason for the inauguration on June 1, 2021, was as a symbol that KPK employees were Pancasilaists.
This reason is very appropriate and is supported by the Indonesian people. The reason is that KPK employees are the foundation of the Indonesian people in eradicating corruption.
Of course, in carrying out his duties a KPK employee must be of high quality by emphasizing aspects of love for the homeland, defending the country, loyalty to Pancasila, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), free from radicalism and prohibited organizations.
The nationalism and professionalism of the 1,271 KPK employees who will be inaugurated cannot be doubted. Moreover, they have passed the national insight test (TWK) screening. TWK is very important as a strengthening of the national insight of every government employee.
TWK is part of the assessment of the transfer of the status of KPK employees to ASN. This is a consequence of the ratification of Law Number 19 of 2019 concerning the KPK.
Criminal Law expert Professor Romli Atmasasmita emphasized that employees who passed the KPK ASN TWK must be “red and white”. ASN in the great institution of the KPK must be red and white. Those who pass the ASN TWK are very strong in their nationalistic attitude. They also reject the notion of caliphate and radicalism.
Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Harua Wibisana hopes that 1,274 KPK employees who are inducted into ASN will become the best PNS or Be the best PNS. That they have more obligations, not only on eradicating corruption but on all government goals and programs.
The community itself is optimistic that this KPK employee will work professionally and with integrity. For that they need to be supported and not weakened by negative assumptions.
I firmly believe that the future of the anti-corruption agency in the hands of the 1,271 KPK employees who are ASN will shine.
The spirit of nationalism which is the basis of their performance will bring the KPK to be independent. There are no more cases that pass because there is a partisanship of KPK employees with certain dogmas.
General Chairperson of the Indonesian Strategic Studies Advocacy Institute (LAKSI) Azmi Hidzaqi said 75 KPK employees who did not pass the TWK, rejected the results, and accused the TWK implementation as an unprofessional act and seemed inconsistent with legal procedures.
For the 51 employees who were fired, Azmi considered that the decision was right. Because they are openly, reactionary, and frontal against the KPK leadership’s decision. Employees who fail TWK against the decisions of state officials can be concluded as a step of subordination to the legitimate government power.
For that, let’s end the polemic of TWK and KPK employees who did not pass the TWK. We support the great institution of the KPK with the spirit of Pancasila to be stronger in eradicating corruption in Indonesia and sweeping out the corruptors.
)*The author is a former journalist