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KPU Limits Campaign Ads to Make Election Participants More Creative


CIDISS. The new General Election Commission (KPU) policy carries out 2019 campaign advertising restrictions on print media, electronic media, and media in the network. because the number of advertisements limited by the KPU demands that the 2019 Election participants are more creative in addition to print media ads, another alternative is to campaign through social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Path, Twitter, and others, because with the power of social media Election participants will be able to relate directly with its constituents and can deliver Vision and Mission directly.

This is similar as stated by public policy observers from Concern Think Thank Institute Djuni Thamrin, ad restrictions can affect the level of recognition of election participants, election participants are demanded to be more creative there are many ways the election participants to convey their vision and mission and work programs that will it will be done later “It can be via Youtube, social media, Twitter all kinds. So it is produced continuously how the idea is communicated,” he continued. Besides through the media, the campaign is the most effective, said Djuni, namely by meeting face to face with the people. For example, opening services like a doctor’s practice. The constituent may complain, may raise the issue and it is considered more effective face-to-face directly than through the media.

Restrictions on campaign advertising are regulated in detail in Article 37 PKPU Number 23 of 2018. In addition, campaign advertisements are also only allowed for 21 days, namely on March 24 to April 13 2019.

With restrictions on advertising, there is no too wide inequality between candidates who have large capital and not. This is because only those who have large capital who can advertise in print and electronic media. Limitation of campaign advertising can also be one way for legislative candidates not to force themselves, so that is a positive thing.

By: Rikky, S *)

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