Majority of the Community Supports Omnibus Law Cipta Karya
By: Aldia Putra) *
The Omnibus Law Cipta Karya has been agreed by the DPR to then be conducted a public test by the DPR Legislative Body. The majority of the community also supports the Omnibus Law Ciptakerja Bill to be ratified and implemented immediately because it is considered capable of repairing the slowing economy due to the Corona Virus.
Chairperson of the DPR Legislative Body Supratman Andi Agtas said that there were already many parties asking for hearings related to the Work Cipta Karya Bill. In addition, the Legislation Body will also discuss how this public testing mechanism was carried out in the midst of a corona emergency on Monday 6 April 2020, while the DPR had ratified the latest code of conduct, namely holding a virtual meeting in an emergency.
The first step to be taken by the Legislation Body is to arrange a discussion schedule. Supratman said that the omnibus law discussion process was still long.
In addition to public testing, the Legislative Body is also still waiting for a list of problem inventory from factions in the DPR. Also, the Legislative Body will hear from experts and academics from universities.
The Work Creation Bill has indeed been discussed in the Legislative Body of the DPR, not a special committee (special committee). This is because the formation of the special committee takes a long time, besides that every commission in the Indonesian Parliament is currently also focusing its attention on covid-19.
Moreover, the work copyright bill also contains very broad material. Where there are 79 laws that want to be compiled, and there are 11 clusters whose discussion is not easy.
In Baleg there were already representatives from all factions. So that there is no need to form a special committee that represents all DPR RI factions. The faction’s representative in the Baleg will later discuss the Work Draft Bill.
With the discussion of the Cipta Karya Bill in the Baleg, of course this accelerated the DPR to fight for the Cipta Karya Bill which is expected to be a savior of the nation after the co-19 Pandemic ended.
On the previous occasion, the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia had agreed to the draft of the Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright to be subsequently submitted to the Legislative Body of the DPR. This was stated by the deputy chairman of the Indonesian Parliament, Azis Syamsudin in a plenary meeting at the DPR building, Senayan Jakarta.
Omnibus Law is indeed supposed to be discussed with all its controversies, because this was done for the sake of economic recovery after the co-19 pandemic.
The Speaker of the Republic of Indonesia Parliament, Puan Maharani, previously said that the discussion of the Omnibus Law on the Cipta Karya Bill would be carried out according to the mechanism. But he said he would focus on helping the efforts of the government in dealing with corona during session III.
Omnibus Law Copyright is considered present to create jobs and ensure the rights and welfare of workers are achieved. Because, the estuary of an investment is basically to absorb the available labor that will be able to improve the welfare of the community.
Moreover, the unemployment rate is currently increasing because some factories or industries decided to lay off employees and workers, while not everyone can do their jobs from home, so that their income is reduced drastically due to the corona virus pandemic.
The current government certainly has a focus on handling the corona virus, but that does not mean the government is ignorant of the fate of the people who are forced to have no income, so this is a logical reason, why the government continues to fight for the Omnibus Law bill, the machine has the upheaval of the workers.
While the national economic recovery is really needed by Indonesia after this Pandemic ends, it means that Indonesia must be friendly and open to investment, lest there are investors who feel that to invest in Indonesia the process is complicated.
This will certainly have an impact on the stagnation of the national economy, whereas if we want the economy to improve, then one of the options is to make Indonesia an investment-friendly country.
Therefore the work copyright bill is something important, where the regulation will become a legal umbrella for employers, investors, workers to the job seekers.
The Employment Creation Bill allows workers to get severance pay and training to get a job, this is due to a guaranteed job loss written in the regulation.
If the Employment Creation Bill is passed, it is expected that workers affected by layoffs can continue to live their lives because they still have the opportunity to get new jobs.
Therefore it is no exaggeration if the Omnibus Law is considered as one of the universal sweep laws which is the government’s strategy in improving the nation’s economy.
) * The author is a social political observer, active in the study of Cikini Press and Student circles