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Beware the Spread of Covid-19 through Airborne


By: Edi Jatmiko) *

The focus of the government to protect its citizens is to spread various appeals related to Corona transmission. Including considerations for wearing masks given the possibility of spreading Covid-19 through the air.
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic received mixed responses from the public. However, an important step to avoid this pandemic is to also recommend government regulations related to Corona virus prevention.

As reported by the world health organization, WHO has considered actions to anticipate the spread of the Covid-19 virus through the air, especially for medical staff.

Therefore, the suggestion to wash hands with soap as often as possible, but still controlled is highly recommended. Because it can reduce the potential for transmission of objects that we touch that could have previously been splashed with body fluids of the sufferer. Enforcement of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) was also promoted. This is so that people are more aware of the dangers they are facing. Moreover, this pandemic often strikes but does not show significant symptoms, but through laboratory testing it remains declared infected. Isn’t this thing quite terrible.

Although WHO is still researching the potential for further spread of Covid-air by air, it would be nice if we still adhere to the government’s advice to continue wearing masks, including medical personnel in hospitals. The finding was further strengthened by the statement of the Head of the Eljkman Molecular Biology Institute Prof. Amin Soebandrio. He suspected if there was a potential for the spread of the Corona virus through the air in the hospital. Therefore, he continued to appeal for medical personnel to continue to wear N-95 type masks when on duty. But enough ordinary surgical masks if outside the hospital.

Amin explained if this spread could be in the form of exposure to aeorosol that changed particles due to various procedures in certain places, such as hospitals. Aerosol particles smaller than droplets (saliva splashes) are considered as potential media for the spread of Covid-19. So that the use of masks is now mandatory and non-negotiable. Moreover, this has to do with life.

Based on these facts we certainly can no longer be ignorant of all government efforts to protect us from COVID-19 transmission. Including publishing the latest rules namely the application of the use of masks. This mask is suspected to be able to minimize the occurrence of transmission. Although not dismiss the possibility of contracting, at least the mask can protect from things that are not desirable.

Masks can be homemade cloth masks, or buy at pharmacies. The most important thing is according to the design that has been set. Namely, close the nose and mouth area perfectly. The implication of standalone lockdown also seems to be effective enough to suppress the spread. If the residents never left their homes, they would certainly remain safe. Because, even though you are not infected, you can still spread it. Because this virus attacks people with low immunity.

The confusing news of the Corona Virus sometimes impacts community understanding. Those who seem immune, will certainly ignore the recommendations that have been issued. After all, the proof is still safe. Though this kind of thought is a very silly act. Not to mention the facts on the ground, a lot of information has been twisted, thus affecting the psychological community in anticipating this outbreak. The truth is to be vigilant, but still calm in dealing with it. Because everything that is done in a hurry will not go well.

Now is the time to begin to realize that sharing recommendations and rules issued by the government is for our common good. If this pandemic can be dealt with properly, do not rule out the possibility of making things back to normal, soon. This is no longer the time for us to be ignorant, ignorant and ignorant of the condition of our beloved country today. Remember, medics are the front guard against COVID-19. Let’s also help the government to realize a free COVID-19 Indonesia as soon as possible. Namely, by implementing the appropriate recommendations in force, including applying the habit to wear a mask. (*)

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