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Media and Millennials Must Actively Support Covid-19 Handling


By : Rahmat Soleh) *

The government is currently focusing on dealing with Covid-19 which is still happening . Kenda ti Thus, all parties need to be encouraged to be active in supporting the handling Covid 19 ter se but , including the press and millennial.

Communication expert Marshall McLuhan once mentioned that the press has a role as the extended man, namely connecting one place to another and events from one another at the same momentum. Se dangkan millennial group has a function as an agent of change, moral force and social control. This group is also considered to have very high creativity and sharp analysis.

Therefore, both have an important role in supporting the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic which is still being promoted by the government. Both have roles as agents to disseminate information and even provide education related to health protocols and the most recent developments about Covid-19.

              Previously, the National Task Force had also put forward pentahelix collaboration and synergy in accelerating the handling of the corona virus. One such pentahelix is ​​the role of the press in conveying information and educating the public.

              It is hoped that the role of the press will lead to changes in people’s behavior in responding to the pandemic. Gunawan Permadi as the editor in chief of Suara Merdeka said, this problem is not only about awareness of the health context, but also changing behavior. It also focuses on building people’s perceptions from a cultural or cultural and social perspective.

              On the other hand, he argues that to anticipate wrong news, is to get as much information as possible. He hopes that information that is inaccurate or leads to hoaxes can be written down.             

              Moreover, the mass media certainly has a role as a reference for the public to confirm the truth of the information they receive.

              On different occasions , the Student Press Association (IPMJ) invited all components of the press and millennials to support national economic recovery.

              Meanwhile, the Governor of Central Kalimantan, H. Sugianto Sabran had a chance to hold a Gathering and Hasupa Hasundau with Millennial Generations .

              The meeting , which was held with due observance to the Covid-19 health protocol, was attended by millennials who are members of the Department Student Association (HIMA), the Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Student Executive Board (DPM) from a number of tertiary institutions in Palangkaraya.

              On this occasion, the Governor stated that the handling of the health sector related to Covid-19 and the economic recovery due to the pandemic must be controlled simultaneously and in an integrated manner as directed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo .

              The involvement of young people, especially millennials in dealing with the Covid-19 problem, is certainly not without reason. Their age is the optimal age to create a change, because they have the most energy , the time is loose, and the idealistic vision of change is high. So naturally, it is the millennial generation who are the driving agents in almost every major change in this world.

              If we remember one of the sentences of Mr. Proklama tor ” give me 10 youth , then I will shake the world” this statement has reaffirmed the great role of youth in every era, from the era of the independence revolution to reform to the millennial era which has now entered life. new norm l. Therefore, the important role of youth in promoting change as the frontline in campaigning for the movement to tackle the corona outbreak is certainly awaited by all human souls anywhere in the world.

              Now the face of the world has begun to change, under the challenges of this new life, the millennial generation is very easy to generate opinions about health, they have the power to be able to disseminate information about health protocols through existing social media channels .

              Millennials also have digital native characters or people who live with digital technology. Especially in the midst of a new normal situation where youth elements in society should take an active role as a driving force in echoing health protocols for the prevention of the corona virus.

              The fact that occurs at the grass root level shows that people now rarely apply health protocols such as washing hands or wearing masks.

              Dal am press this issue and especially the millennial youth have a role as social control with a variety of ideas, movement or innovation activities related to the prevention or health promotion campaigns for the sake dispel explosion of positive patients Covi d-19

) * Active author in Pertiwi Media

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