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Ministry of Religion invites Society to keep Harmony


CIDISS. Difference is a natural thing that happens in social life in a country. One of them is the difference in celebrating Eid al-Adha for Muslims in Indonesia. This is certainly not a new experience for Indonesia.

In response to this, the Ministry of Religion (Ministry of Religion) asked the public not to question the differences in the celebration of Eid al-Adha. All must maintain harmony and respect existing differences because each has a basis for determining the Sacrifice of the Sacrifice.

Head of the Kulonprogo Religion Ministry, Nurudin said, there was no problem that there were important differences in respecting and maintaining harmony among Muslims. He explained, even though the government had set Eid al-Adha on August 22, 2018, hundreds of Kulonprogo Muslims were known to have performed Eid al-Adha prayers in Triharjo Square, Wates, with the imam and preacher Sholikhul Hadi from Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Lendah.

Kulonprogo Regent Hasto Wardoyo also asked the community to respect each other. For him the difference in the determination of Eid al-Adha is not the first time. “Must respect each other, that’s the principle in addressing this difference,” Hasto said.

He also admitted, the community has a high tolerance in addressing these problems. Even the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has also issued a policy related to the problem of differences. He said, there were no different problems, always there every year.

With mutual respect and maintaining harmony between religious communities, it is not impossible for the Indonesian people to become a great and strong nation with the capital of diversity they possess.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah *)

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