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Nomenclature, Still Become Main Trouble

Nomenclature, Still Become Main Trouble
Nomenclature, Still Become Main Trouble

By: Syaiful *)

Department of Public Works (PU) SoutEast Sulawesi (Sulawesi) cant say how many units of housing assistance allotment from the Ministry of Housing and Public Works (PU-Pera) for Sultra fiscal year 2015. Changes in the nomenclature of the ministry of public housing into the Ministry of Public Works -Pera considered to be one of the obstacles is unclear assistance.

Head of Housing Department of Public Works Sultra Hujurat say, change in nomenclature will automatically lead to a change in policy. Moreover, the current public housing is no longer a ministry but has become a general directorate under the Ministry of Public Works-Pera. This resulted in the verification process of housing assistance is also slightly delayed because they have to adjust to the new nomenclature.

“The exact number of Sultra that we do not yet know. Depending on each district / city whether it is eligible or not. Because that proposes to the center is the district / city. Center then sort out whether the proposal falls within the priority or not,” explained Hujurat Kendari, Wednesday (27/05/2015).

As for the condition, further Hujurat is the location of land that would be used to build not in the matter (dispute), the legality of the land and the local government’s commitment to support the Ministry of Public Works as well as the readiness fund-Pera sharing between the district / city (APBD) and the central government (state budget ).

“Ration each province was still in the form of logs so that priority is qualified,” he said.

Housing assistance currently underway, said Hujurat then housing the special allocation fund (DAK) in the North and North Buton Kolaka. Stimulants Help Housing Organization (BSPs) are also still in the process of verification.

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributor


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