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Omnibus Copyright Law Work Encouraging Progress National Economy


By: Ahmad Wiryawan ) *

The Government’s efforts to simplify regulations through the Draft Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright ( Ciptaker ) need to be appreciated. In addition to being able to open investment taps, Omnibus Law is believed to be able to stimulate the national economy which is currently lethargic by the Corona Virus outbreak.

Preparing with a more qualified work system will certainly be more exciting. Even with the work copyright omnibus which is now undergoing finalization. The completion of the universal broom bill is being accelerated by a number of stakeholders. Expectations began to be touted. Two mega issues that have always been polemic in the archipelago will soon be resolved.

Previously, President Jokowi and a number of stakeholders held a meeting (limited meeting) internally, to discuss the completion of the omnibus law. According to the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said, if the draft Omnibus Law Cipta Karya Jobs would be immediately submitted to the table of the Parliament along with a presidential letter (supres).

Airlangga detailing the meeting also discussed related strategic issues that arise, such as the absence of articles that can cover MSMEs. But, his party made sure all of them had been included in the draft that was being discussed. In fact, he stated that this was included in the priority list.

Airlangga asserted that a number of business sectors will be opened with several special requirements for MSMEs. They will be given a special kind of space in certain business sectors. Non-households also respond to workers’ concerns regarding the ‘sweeping’ law. One of them is regarding wages and layoffs.

He emphasized that the Omnibus Law would actually provide guarantees to workers who might lose their jobs. Airlangga gives this term as a sweetener or sweetener.

Waiting is indeed a boring thing. However, for the sake of mutual progress, of course this is done. Providing full support for the government’s efforts is now needed. Because the support is able to foster a new work spirit. This spirit will be used to optimize future performance.

Discussing unemployment and employment seems endless. Both of these problems have a high urgency. No doubt this is often a sensitive issue. Many also relate it to stomach problems. The gap that occurs between unemployment and employment is horrifying. Just imagine based on the data there are around 7 million unemployed in Indonesia. This status doesn’t really get the job done.

You know, if unemployment will cause a number of problems later. Ranging from social inequality, to increased crime. Therefore, the government is focusing on these two problems. If these two problems are solved it is believed to be able to boost other sectors. The implication is the maximum employment absorption possible. Per capita income increases until welfare distribution can be achieved.

The reason is that this work’s omnibus law is a role as the umbrella of all laws. Which of course runs in a sustainable and interconnected way. With a good investment climate, labor problems will also be overcome. More precisely these two things will provide mutual benefits. And the final goal is to improve the country’s economy.

The government is now also working hard to realize the omnibus law creation. The state wants to present rules that are as fair as possible regarding the clutter of the previous rules. Bureaucracy overlaps to the complexity of a number of regulations and licensing rules.

This licensing problem has indeed ensnared a number of businesses such as MSMEs and others. Freedom of business license also became the focus of the government to resolve it. Despite reaping the pros and cons, the government always prioritizes the interests of citizens so that they can be achieved according to plan.

Unfortunately, other problems actually arise which make the situation worse. Many hoaxes are poured to disrupt the government conditions. Issues develop and soar and erode public trust. These elements actually must be fought. What is their purpose, what is the essence of spreading the law creator’s omnibus hoax? Are there other hidden agenda or objectives. Finally, we must unite in providing support for the government.

Moving from this comfort zone is indeed difficult, but for the realization of a new Indonesia that is more advanced and qualified in the eyes of the world, why not? Moreover, public welfare will be guaranteed by the state. It is time to get rid of various worries without a fundamental reason. Let us guard the implementation of the Omnibus Law Ciptaker so that it is right on target. So that the goals that were originally echoed soon can be achieved and enjoyed. Come on build up the country!

) * The author is a social political observer

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