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OPM Anniversary Doesn’t Get Sympathy


By: Sabby Kosay) *

The majority of Papuans who are Christians embrace Christianity more in December because there is Christmas Day. December 1 celebrations that are identical to the Independence Day of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) tend not to get sympathy because it is not known by the people of Papua.
News about Papua always attracts attention. Starting from the riots until the hardworking OPM efforts to voice independence. In fact, development has also been improved, community embrace is also carried out. However, there are still parties who want to separate themselves from the Republic of Indonesia. Indeed in terms of natural resources, Papua is the champion. To not dismiss if there is interference from outsiders to urge the people of the earth of paradise to be independent. But, we need to watch out, because it is these outsiders who are actually threatening. They became stronger when the OPM dominated, bombarding the region to want to follow the will to be invited to independence. Unfortunately, the attempt was never successful.
Nevertheless, the government remains wary of any separatist movement that is getting more intense ahead of its anniversary. Not only was it considered troubling, this OPM reportedly sent a letter of urging to the Indonesian government to want to be consulted about the independence they requested. However, OPM must go home empty-handed. However Indonesia will not let go of Papua, because the Republic of Indonesia has a fixed price and no one will be able to tamper with it again.
Regarding the momentum of December 1, which is celebrated every year by a group of people as the Independence Day of Papua / OPM Anniversary, this is certainly a matter that must be questioned. This was also conveyed by Stenly Salamahu Sayuri, as Chair of the Student, Youth and People’s Alliance (Ampera). This statement is not without reason, considering that Papua is an integral part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which has been recognized nationally and internationally. So if the momentum continues to be commemorated, who is this event really for.
According to Stenly, Papuans need welfare more than movements which mostly harm themselves and their families. Therefore Ampera stressed, strongly refused 1 December as OPM Anniversary. He also asked to take firm action against groups or individuals who commemorate this anniversary, including maintaining community security and order. In addition, he fully supports the efforts of the central government to improve the welfare of the people of Papua. Not to forget Ampera also appreciated the Indonesian security forces who prioritized a persuasive approach to smoothing out their duties and responsibilities, especially in Papua.
Meanwhile, traditional leaders in Jayapura district also stated their firmness to reject the assumption of a handful of people who call December 1 the day of independence for the Papuan Nation, because history has said that Papua has been an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) from the beginning until whenever .
Ramses Ohee, one of the Papuan traditional leaders who holds the position of Chairperson of the Papuan Red and White Front, stated that all political and armed groups to stop all actions that heralded Papuan independence. He considered, the action that was inclined towards treason could divide the unity and unity. He hopes that all Papuans will work together to create a fertile, prosperous, safe and peaceful palace for their children and grandchildren.
Marthinus Maware, SH as the Chairperson of the Jayapura Regency Indigenous Community Institution (LMA), expressed the same thing. Namely, it denounced all forms of religious politicization as well as methods of violence of the TPN OPM which had led to conditions in the Papua region being not conducive.
Marthinus also wants the government to act decisively against all parties who will intervene in Pancasila, diversity, the 1945 Constitution and divide people with a variety of issues so that they are immediately abolished. However, he considered the Government should not be afraid, let alone be inferior to groups that carry the ideology, teachings, or doctrines aimed at destroying this nation. In addition, he also asked law enforcers to maintain independence and not be affected in providing justice for the people of the Earth of Paradise.

Meanwhile, Ondoafi Kampung Putali, Monim invited all parties, especially former fighters, religious leaders, community leaders, adat leaders, youth and Papuan women to join hands in eradicating separatist groups who only want to harm the Papuan people on the grounds of Papuan independence and prosperity. Which is just a trick.
This warning should be stopped on OPM Anniversary. Considering the essence is not aiming. In fact, the name of Papuan independence was rejected outright by Papuans. Then who is this warning for? After all, the Papuan people considered the OPM Anniversary celebration to only cause noise and cause harm.

) * The author is a Papua student living in Yogyakarta

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