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Beautiful Strategies of the Government to Fight Poverty Showing Results


By: Muhammad Yasin) *
Since the first period as President, Jokowi has continued to be committed to alleviating poverty in Indonesia. The Government’s silent work and strategy also produced results with Indonesia’s entry into 15 countries capable of fighting extreme poverty.
One of the economic problems in Indonesia is poverty. Not only in rural areas, this poverty has spread to big cities which incidentally has a pretty good stretch of economy. However, this problem seems to be evenly distributed in all lines of life, due to several factors that accompany it. From the beginning poverty was a problem that was quite complex and somewhat difficult to overcome. However, this RI number 1 maneuver was apparently able to boost the people’s economy and alleviate poverty in the archipelago. Amazingly, the name Indonesia has succeeded perched in the top 15 of the world as the country with the most extreme poverty reduction. Well, for those who doubt the performance of Solo Solo, it seems they have to start thinking a thousand times. Because, news of this increase in development will continue to be heard one after another.
Previously, an increase in infrastructure development in Indonesia was also reported to have sped up to take a number of parties including Japan to help this project. You know, Japan, which is popular with the name tagline of developed countries, is ready to contribute to developing the country. In the health sector also being improved, the construction of public health facilities is increasingly encouraged. The good news, stunting rates, live birth rates increased from before. Various achievements made by Jokowi must indeed be appreciated and recognized.
Previously, the World Bank’s mission in 2030 was to reduce extreme poverty, worth 3 percent worldwide. Poverty is defined when people live less than US $ 1.9 per day. Based on this data, Indonesia is also working hard to combat this problem. To be able to be in the ranks of 15 countries capable of escaping poverty from a total of 114 countries, truly a remarkable achievement.
According to reports, each country is able to get out 1.6 percent of extreme poverty every year. This means that around 802.1 million people lived in poverty in 2000-2015. Nevertheless, extreme poverty is still endemic in a number of countries. Which has low incomes and is affected by conflicts, such as the Sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is still optimism in these countries. In some Sub-Saharan African countries, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, and also Burkina Faso, are still in extreme poverty, even after rapid reductions, a stagnant position of above 40 percent. For Indonesia itself is able to rank 11, with a record of successfully reducing poverty to 2.1 percent. Only 0.9 percent of the World Bank’s target is left. Steady!
Judging from the data in Indonesia itself, in the first five years of Jokowi’s leadership, it has shown a significant reduction in poverty. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2014, the poor population reached 27.73 million people or around 10.96 percent of the total population. When the government revoked fuel subsidies in 2015, the number of poor people increased to 28.59 million. However, gradually it was able to decrease until 2019 to 25, 14 million people. This number is reduced by around 2.59 million compared to before, one month before Jokowi took the lead. Even with the percentage of poor people who dropped 155 basis points to 9.41 percent.
Meanwhile, the World Bank Report entitled “Realizing Urban Potential in Indonesia” states that the highest levels of poverty and poverty are in nonmetro rural areas. That is in the figure of 14.6 percent. While people who are vulnerable to poverty reach 27.9 percent. The next highest poverty rate is in nonmetro cities, with a poverty rate of 11.4 percent and poverty prone with a percentage of 26.1 percent.
However, if you hear this amazing news, of course Jokowi’s performance has been able to be proven. In fact, behind his calm attitude, the head of state was shot like a rocket ready to fight. Maneuver until able to reach the desired target. It is quite possible that welfare will come earlier, given that poverty alleviation in Indonesia has increased from year to year. Hopefully the other development acceleration targets will follow to be realized.

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