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Optimistic Asmat Infrastructure Development Runs goodly


CIDISS. President Joko Widodo is optimistic that infrastructure development is underway in Asmat District, Papua Province, after extraordinary events (KLB) of measles and malnutrition went smoothly.


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) after visiting the Asmat District believes it as written statement of Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media Secretariat of President Bey Machmudin.


Recorded infrastructure development in Asmat District includes short and medium term development from clean water infrastructure, sanitation, bridges, road repair, home surgery, and new settlement development. The President said he had seen everything, everything went well. We also built a pool of raw water there were nine five in Agats then four built in existing districts.


On the nutrition of children, the President said that he had ordered the Bupati of Asmat to really pay attention to the nutrition of children in Asmat District.


Currently, said the Head of State, there are 320 children every day given green beans, vegetables and other nutritious food. But in the districts it is not easy to handle. There are 13 Puskesmas. However, the provision of nutrition in districts is not easy because of the isolation. Therefore, the government is currently building Trans Papua road to open isolated areas.


The President said it made it easier for us to access the districts, access the districts, connect between provinces, connect between districts and cities. The direction is there, so if we can not resolve it, it is difficult to resolve things related to the existing districts, in any district.


At that time, The President was given the name of adat which had been decided in the Leadership of the Institute of Indigenous Peoples of Asmat, namely Kambepit. Kambepit is the name of Commander of the Asmat War from the Bismania family. For Asmat Tribe, Commander of Kepepit War is a brave and visionary leader who leads Asmat Tribe into an era of change where Asmat people familiar with modern civilization as it is today.


By naming Kambepit and adat titles as Commander of War to President Joko Widodo, Asmat’s indigenous people want President Joko Widodo to become the current Commander of Kambepit who leads them into an era of change and a better future.

By: Andi H *)

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