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Pancasila is important to strengthen our Nation


CIDISS. Vice Chairman of the MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid material is divided into four Pillars of the MPR RI, namely Pancasila as the ideology and the basis of the state, the 1945 Constitution as the state constitution, NKRI as a state form, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the state motto of Mathla’ul Anwar family of Riau Province, Pekanbaru, Saturday, October 21, 2017. Besides Hidayat, as a giver of material at the event guided by Vice Mayor of Pekanbaru H. Ayat Cahyati is a member of the MPR from the Social Justice Party Faction H. Mardani Ali Sera.

Hidayat build socialization Four Pillars become important for the people of Indonesia to know the ideology of his country. Because, according to him, there is no one country in the world whose people do not know the ideology of the country. If the people does not know the ideology of the country, how will this country.

Hidayat said, Pancasila as the basis of the state is the real values ​​that bring various parties. So, with Pancasila proximity we will get to know our Keindonesiaan and the history contained in it. So, Pancasila becomes important to strengthen us as a nation.

But, said Hidayat Nur Wahid, if the values of Pancasila described it will increasingly disturb the meaning contained in it not far from being fought by the leaders of Islam Indonesia. And, Pancasila’s precepts give space to the religious community to carry out its teachings.

Therefore, Hidayat said, the principles of Pancasila can be used as a tool to implement the values, Islamic values ​​properly and correctly. Including counteracting all forms of drugs, radicalism, and not least the teachings of communism. Communist is the most radical of radicalism.

At the end of his lecture, Hidayat explained the role of Islamic leaders in fighting for the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia. Including the role of Muslim composers such as Wage Rudolf Supratman and H. Mutahar in creating songs of struggle in inflame the spirit of the fighters.

Let’s replace corruption must be fought together, so that the Indonesian nation will go forward and now it’s corruption. Corruption takes place both at the center and in the regions, and for the santri/youth to stay away from and even to drugs. We must fight together these radical understandings because they have divided the nation.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

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