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PBNU Chairperson: Reject Radicalism and Terrorism


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

Radicalism, especially in the name of religion, is very worrying and slices the heart.

In his remarks at the National Santri Day Ceremony at the National Monument Square, the Chairperson of the Major Management of the Nadhalatul Ulama (PBNU), KH Said Aqil Siraj called on all santri to reject radicalism and a number of other views that were at odds with Pancasila values.

He said, ISIS was not an enemy of the army or police, but was a common enemy. He continued, the task of being a Muslim is jihad against anarchism, terrorism, ISIS which is contrary to the religion of Islam.

Said Aqil said, lately there have been many threats or have loosened it especially the young generation loves the homeland and the Pancasila. It is said that there is a survey, as many as 7 percent of young people are sympathetic to the issue. Those who joined around the 1240s, who died 58, went home dozens. We need to strengthen our commitment to the Republic of Indonesia.

Said claimed there were no radical NU pesantren. He guarantees that there are no radical NU pesantren. 22 thousand more NU students, the radical ones are definitely not NU kyai and santri. He also banned NU residents from carrying out any demonstration activities. The reason is, Said worried that later there would be slander. Said said, NU residents may not protest, santri apples may be like this. Demo must not, not profit, only be prone to slander.

Said Aqil also asked the students to jointly support the harmony between religious groups in order to create benefit for the existence of all Indonesian people. We must show the world, Indonesian Muslims remain united, solid with a variety of cultures, ethnic groups, traditions and political parties. We remain solid.

Let us as citizens of Indonesia to unite in restraint, not be provoked and continue to mobilize human solidarity while rejecting all forms of violence. If you find the slightest incident that leads to radicalism and terrorism, immediately report it to the security forces.

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