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By: Mirwan Ahmad )*

In the near future, Christians will celebrate Christmas. Last year, the Christmas celebration was considered a success, safe and peaceful where all parties participated in maintaining the peace and security of Christmas. This is because from the beginning of the establishment of the NKRI, the Indonesian people agreed on religious tolerance in accordance with the first principle of the Pancasila.

Peaceful life is everyone’s dream, but what is a problem in this world is that we rarely find peace. Peace in the world is temporary, and after that we don’t know what happened. Humans live in the midst of uncertain expectations, there comes a time of success, there are times when they fail, there are times when there are times when poor, so there is a time when their salary rises so high, but there are times when they have to be fired from work. So joy, peace in the world is temporary, depending on our situation and condition. That is why humans must have God as the handle of life.

Now, entering December, we can see everywhere, especially restaurants, malls and hotels, and on TV broadcasts, many of which are being announced to prepare for Christmas with the end of the year shopping, is there still anything left of the Christmas Bethlehem behind the hustle and bustle the bustle of Christmas celebrations in the present?

We often forget that behind every social media account there is a human being, who has his own feelings, thoughts, dignity and values. Regardless of what they believe, they also believe in God. Adherents of other religions should not comment too badly about Christmas.

In our nation’s struggle regarding Christmas, first of all we should also take time for personal reflection whether we have carried out our religious teachings properly and correctly. Therefore, in our hope for a conducive and warm Christmas atmosphere in Indonesia, let us not only comment on social media, but also pray for the security of this nation. Because heaven cheers not when we celebrate Christmas with an uproar, but when we go through, there are people who believe. May the peace and joy of Christmas not only be lit up in the scope of the church and fellowship, but even radiate to followers of other religions.

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