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Prevent Cyber Crime, BSSN use Local Technology


CIDISS. The State Cyber ​​and Password Agency (BSSN) will use local technology to perform its task of detecting and preventing cybercrime and maintaining cyber security.

BSSN spokesman, Anton Setiawan said it uses local technology. Previously, Anton said, State Sandi Institute in protecting government secrecy using technology completely made by R & D deputies. Although BSSN’s responsibilities are wider, not only for the government, but also for the private and public sectors, it believes it can still apply local technology.

He said, we must also go down in private and public to be able to apply the works of the nation’s children in all sectors now.

Anton acknowledged there is still imbalance technology from other countries, especially quality. However, it will continue to pursue that technological leap.

BSSN believes in the abilities of children in the country, let alone technology does not start from scratch and stay adjust to its own standards.

Anton says we can follow the example, the example we are copying, then the standard of security including the cryptographic standards we change according to our own standards.

BSSN is a very important body and in the future is needed by the state, especially in anticipating the rapid development of cyber world. Although BSSN uses local technology, the government must remain vigilant with cyber attacking in Indonesia.

By: Irfandi A. *)

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