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Prevent Recurrent Terror, Risma reactivate Siskamling


CIDISS. The act of terror that occurred in Surabaya is a very surprising thing for everyone, especially for the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini. She is very interactive and regretted it.

The Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini appealed to the Rukun Tetangga and Rukun Warga boarders in Surabaya to activate the environmental system (Siskamling) to prevent the reoccurrence of acts of terror in the City of Heroes.

In Surabaya, Risma said, his party collects the RT / RW board in Rungkut Sub-District night. She requested Siskamling and PAM Swakarsa to be reactivated. The call was called as a step to maintain safe and conducive Surabaya, as well as a means to develop every area in Surabaya.

Printed races are still used for people who are perceived to be authorized, but still not easily provoked by provocation. She urged all citizens of Surabaya City to be active Helping the city government behind the space of the terror maker.

One such effort is the RT and RW management circle to know the habits of all its citizens, including those with strange or closed characters that lead to alleged terrorist clashes.

According to her, people like this will usually not be friendly to neighbors, but their daily or work prefer closed. If there is a suspected citizen, do not waste to overcome it. She does not want to happen anything with his citizens. Please give information, let the apparatus move. Risma along with his staff also heard aspirations and excavated areas, such as Kamtibmas and government services. The more information submitted, the faster it will be to handle it.

How to Siskamling is the right step undertaken by the Mayor of Surabaya in order to prevent acts of terrorism. The community must also support such measures, and for all mosques and religious leaders to participate in the legal issues that can lead to dividing the integrity of the nation and state. The first city website can be accessed for the integrity of NKRI.

By: Ahsan Z *)

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