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Racist Actors and Provocateur of Unrest in Papua Have Been Strictly Treated


By: Jeremiah Kagoya) *

The government guarantees that racist perpetrators of Papuan students in Java, Timr and the provocateurs of the Papuan riots, will be dealt with firmly without being selective. This is proof that justice will continue to be upheld as evidence of the presence of the state to the community.
Decisive action against all racist perpetrators of Papuan students last week has been widely anticipated. Especially as new evidence is found, new names are also released. Although racist actions directly do not hurt physically. But it is considered capable of injuring human rights.

Judging from the essence of state security there are many mentioned regulations which have links between one thing and another. Given that Indonesia is a multicultural country that consists of various religions, races, ethnicities and cultures. The government guarantees the continuity of state life in accordance with the rules and regulations in force.

The first point that is often discussed and fussed about is religion. This religious value is related to our belief in
The One Almighty God. It has also existed since prehistoric times, even before the major religions reduced influence to our homeland. So do not be surprised if our nation is very easy to accept the spread of these religions.

Then what is the relationship between the perpetrators of racist acts that end up in chaos the other day?
If you look at the contents of Pancasila there we will get all the answers. This religious foundation is vital given our country’s foundation for a Godhead. However, from this we need to understand everything first, why is everything based on just one precept?

Basically the composition of the Pancasila as the basis of the state has a pyramidal hierarchical nature. Which shows a specific series of precepts on his face. So that the entire Pancasila precepts have a binding relationship with one another. So that the pyramidal hierarchical arrangement of Pancasila with the principle of Godhead must be interpreted as the basis for the next four precepts.
There is also a guarantee of freedom to embrace religion and worship according to article 29 Paragraph (2) also in Article 28E Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Regarding human rights, Indonesia, as we know, has the largest number of Muslims. However, that does not mean freedom of religion in Papua is deprived, does it not?
So if there is an opinion regarding human rights in the matter of religious freedom it is not right. However the country has regulated as best as possible on this issue. So do not let the issue of religion be used as a weapon in order to achieve both group and personal goals. Even the misuse of this religion has legal snares.

If based on religious values ​​we are able to provide tolerance for other people, surely there will be no more problems. Although different in terms of belief we can still live together in harmony. It can also fortify oneself from the incitement of irresponsible parties in the name of religion and other human rights.

The second point after religion is about defense and security. As stipulated in Article 30 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, its application is carried out through the sishamkamrata system (defense and security system of the people of the universe). Which is fully held by the TNI and Polri, as the most important component, while the people as the supporting force.

Thus the determination of decisive action for racist perpetrators by deploying the TNI and Polri was appropriate. The cooperation between the two is considered to be able to increase the professionalism of the two institutions in order to realize the defense and security of a country. Remembering that defense and security affairs are part of the interests of the people.

Although there is a lot of pressure coming from the people to immediately reduce the punishment, the government cannot be careless. This is because the country has a system of rules that have been mutually agreed upon. However, the state firmly guarantees the overall safety and comfort of Indonesian citizens. So that in the future there will be no more problems in our multicultural country which is famous for its lively ripah lohjinawi.

Apart from all that, being a devout follower then there will be no loopholes to do bad things to other parties. Including racism that is suspected of injuring human rights. The most important thing is that the perpetrators of these racist acts have been arrested, adding to the peace of the Indonesian government and people. Especially for Papuans who are actually victims of this treatment.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta.

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