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Radicalism can be said as an understanding that wants a change or renewal in a drastic way to the very root. The government’s effort to suppress radicalism collides with other provisions related to human rights aspects. This must be addressed, the community must be observant to see this situation and not easily influenced. Cooperation between all parties is needed in stopping the spread of radicalism.

There are three that should be suspected from the understanding of radicalism. First, responding to the ongoing socio-political economic conditions in the form of resistance and resistance. Both aspects of the idea are considered contrary to his beliefs and from rejection, continued with coercion of the will, to change the situation in another direction. Third strengthen the joints of beliefs, about the truth of the ideology that he believes is superior to others.

Radicalism is increasingly intense in its development, penetrating into tertiary institutions, infiltrating the campus environment by exploiting student dissatisfaction with government performance.

Evaluation is needed in all aspects, especially the campus. Increase supervision of every activity on campus to detect dissemination as early as possible. So that it can prevent things that are not desirable. It takes guidance and knowledge to be keen to see this incident. So students know what is right or not right, and can take the right attitude and action.

This is what needs to be considered to be able to stop its dissemination. Because the difference is very thin with the defense in the right direction and better. The thinness of this difference makes it difficult for various parties to distinguish it. So that people often misunderstand, making them enter far deeper, into the understanding that is ridden by radicalism without them knowing.

This is where all the parties foresight is needed to be able to see the truth and not be easily influenced. The difference is very thin, between wanting change for the better, but on the right track, and the change ridden by radicalism causes many people to fall. Therefore true socialization is needed from related parties, to provide an explanation of radicalism, so that the community does not get caught up. All parties are expected to work together to suppress the spread of radicalism, for a better life. And, as students with high intelligence, they should be more understanding and able to distinguish them, and be able to work well with the government, to prevent the spread of radicalism. The spread of radicalism can be suspected if all relevant parties, including the wider community, are concerned together. Like immediately reporting if there are groups whose development is closed or suspicious.

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