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Radicalism Becomes Enemy With Indonesian Communities


By: Dewi Widyastuti) *

Radicalism and Terrorism are the common enemies of all the inhabitants of the earth, because their movements and terrors create fear for the people. The assertion of radicalism and intolerance groups is a common enemy conveyed by the Chairman of the MUI in the city of Palu, namely Prof. Dr. Zainal Abidin, MA. He also mentioned the role of youth in preventing radicalism and terrorism in Central Sulawesi through four national pillars, including; Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, and the principle of unity in diversity.

Radicalism is an understanding of an ideology (ideas or ideas) and understandings that want to make changes to the social and political order by using violent and fairly extreme methods. The essence of radicalism is the attitude and actions of a person, group, or certain party that justifies violence in making the desired changes. Radical groups generally want these changes in an instant and drastic time that is contrary to the existing social system
Radicalism understandings or movements are often associated with terrorism, because radical groups can do anything they can so that the objectives can be implemented immediately.

Including terrorizing parties who are not pro with them. Although many parties associate radicalism with certain religious issues, basically radicalism is a political problem and is not related to the teachings of religion. Prof. Zainal Abidin also said that currently radicalism and terrorism groups are continuously trying to maneuver in order to launch their understanding among the people, one of which is to provide understanding related to the flag of Islam. According to him, an effective way to counter this deviant understanding is by strengthening tolerance among religious communities.

Based on four national pillars.
He explained that a good tolerance is respecting the opinions of others. Even if there are differences we need not isolate or act intolerantly towards them. Which, this also includes violations of human rights. Prof. Zainal Abidin emphasized that all parties behave fairly and with a big spirit in responding to a difference. Besides that, there is no need to be right by blaming other parties This is a principle that must continue to be made a commitment among the people. Another point as an effort to counter radicalism is to continue to campaign for the importance of maintaining unity and unity for fellow Indonesian citizens.

In the beginning, Charles James Fox called for “Radical Reform” in the British system of government. The action was explained as a movement that provided patronization for the parliamentary revolution in the country. However, in its course the ideology of radicalism developed and blended with the ideology of liberalism.
The most prominent radical groups we can see like ISIS. This is reflected when these groups launch terrorist acts against several countries in the world by also mentioning the symbols of Islam in their actions. In Indonesia, radical groups often refer to JAD (Jamaah Ansharut Daulah) and also JI (Jamaah Islamiyah) groups.

ISIS’s actions along with the support of a small number of Muslims towards ISIS eventually made the world community consider ISIS to be part of the teachings of Islam. But, of course this is not true because, most Muslims condemn and condemn the heinous actions carried out by ISIS organizations. Radicalism itself is also motivated by a number of factors. Among other things, political, economic, social, education including psychological factors. This social factor is usually the most influential, because humans themselves are in a heterogeneous environment and are associated with many people. In addition, social factors are also closely related to economic factors.

Most weak economy class people in general have a narrow mind. So that this is so easy to believe in elements of radical understanding because it is considered to be able to provide solutions to life. However, sadly this will be used by the deviant organization for recruitment.
Nevertheless, the whole community is still being advised to remain vigilant about the possibility of spreading understanding which is considered quite disturbing. Therefore, any complaints should be able to think carefully.

In view of the current era, many left-leaning elements are scattered everywhere. In fact, the movement is considered quite threatening life in society. Damaging the social order of the state as well as other systems. Stop radicalism and intolerance right now! Let’s fight them together.

) * The writer is a political and security observer

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