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Radicalism Is Still a Common Threat


By: Dodik Prasetyo )*

Radicalism seems to be able to be present at any time, even in the midst of the Eid al-Fitr atmosphere and the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Radicals are still carrying out acts of terror against the police. The terrorist attack on the South Daha Sector Police is a reflection that radicalism is still a threat and exists among the people.

Recorded on Monday June 1 2020 at 2:15 WITA. South Daha Police Headquarters, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Getting attacks from strangers.

Chronology of the attack occurred when members of the police guarded the integrated police service center (SPKT) of South Daha Sector Police to carry out a Night Guard picket.

At that time there were 3 pickets, Brigadier Leonardo Latupapua, Brigadier Djoman Sahat Manik Raja and Bripda M Azmi. At the time of the incident, Bripda Azmi was in the Criminal Investigation Unit room.

Suddenly, he heard a commotion in the SPKT room. He immediately went to the SPKT room and saw the condition of Brigadier Leonardo Latupapua already suffering from a stab wound. As a result Brigadier Leo died after suffering a stab wound.

Bripda Azmi immediately went to the Intelligence Unit Brigadier Sahat to ask for help and together came to SPKT. But the OTK was chasing members who came to the SPKT room with sharp weapons of the type of katana.

The incarcerated member ran away to hide in the intelligence and binmas room while asking for help from the Hulu Sungai Selatan Police Station.

South Kalimantan Regional Police Head of Public Relations (Commissioner of Public Relations) Sr. Comr. Mochamad Rifa’i said that his party found a cloth bearing the militant group Islamic State Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and a will.

The Police have also taken a number of steps in responding to this incident, namely by conducting a case crime scene, securing evidence, evacuating OTK perpetrators of the attack to Hasan Basyri Regional Hospital, and coordinating with the Special Detachment (Detachment) 88 anti-terror.

The results of the deepening carried out, the police found documents related to ISIS, such as ISIS shawls and id cards as well as a handwritten will and a small Qur’an kept in a waist bag.

The will is written

This road is only for Islam.

Today I have come and fought you all

And my message to brothers everywhere is awake and wake up

This jihad will never stop, even though it will end

So wake up and wake up from this long sleep.

Wake up and wake up.

However, the police have not dared whether the motives of the South Daha Mapolsek attackers were triggered by jihadi actions such as those which often underlie the ISIS movement.

At present the millennial generation is vulnerable to being exposed to radical understandings because most of them are social media accesses. This is of course a catalyst for high-generation exposed to radicalism.

The Center for the Prevention of Radicalization (2018) states that in the process of radicalization, people adopt extreme belief systems including the desire to use, support and facilitate crime with the aim of promoting ideology, political projects or social change.

Radicalism is certainly not one of the characteristics of religious people, any religion certainly teaches love and peace, not war, hatred or killing of fellow human beings simply because according to him, those who disagree are heretics and infidels who must be slaughtered.

Intelligence and Terrorism Observers Stanislaus Riyanta suspected the perpetrators of the South Daha Mapolsek attack on the Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency were members of the Ansharut Daulah (JAD) congregation affiliated with ISIS

Stanislaus said that militants affiliated with ISIS usually made the police their enemy.

The police must also remain vigilant of attacks carried out alone or commonly referred to as lone wolf. This is difficult to detect because they move alone so there is no communication or transactions that can be monitored.

Previously, the results of a survey from the Institute of Islamic Studies and Peace (LaKIP), led by Prof. Dr. Bambang Pranowo, who is also a Professor of Islamic Sociology at UIN Jakarta in 2010, showed that nearly 50% of students agreed with radical actions.

The data also showed 25% of students and 21 teachers stated that Pancasila was no longer relevant. While 84.8% of students and 76.2% of teachers agreed with the application of Islamic law in Indonesia.

Radicalism is clearly a threat that cannot be underestimated. Authorities such as the National Police, BIN to BNPT must remain alert to all possible radical actions that exist.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute

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