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Relocation of the Capital City of the State Welfare Solutions Community


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

The idea of ​​moving the country’s capital to East Kalimantan is getting closer to realization. It is not only the urban planning system that will be maximal, but also the absorption of labor , so that it is able to keep the public in mind.

It is difficult to imagine the planned transfer of the National Capital when it was first heard . Such discourse is certainly a Mega project that must go through a number of considerations, planning, which includes sensitive issues. Including land acquisition. So instead of a trillionth ti rub a magic teapot that suddenly granted.

The revolving news related to the removal of IKN (the National Capital), reaped the pros and cons. P adahal transfer of the capital city has many advantages . Therefore, let’s fully support the implementation of this large project with a million benefits.

Previously, President Jokowi had officially announced the government’s decision to move the national capital to the province of East Kalimantan. Precisely in North Penajam Paser Regency. And also some districts in Kutai Kartanegara.

Jokowi stated, if the burden on Jakarta and Java had overloaded . With this, it was decided the new capital should be outside Java. According to the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) presentation in the Youth Talks event in August 2019. In pickle a also presented several reasons why Java is also not m asuk criteria. Include;

First, the Javanese population density is already so high. It was mentioned in SUPAS (Inter-Census Education Survey) that 56.56 percent of Indonesian people were in Java. While on other islands the percentage is below 10 percent, except on the island of Sumatra.

Based on the data, Sumatra’s population is 21.78 percent of the total population of Indonesia, with a total of 56,932,400 inhabitants. In Kalimantan, in fact , it is only 6.05 percent with a population of 15,801,800 people. In fact, the smallest percentage is Maluku and Papua, which only reached 2.72 percent, namely 7,103,500 people.

The second reason is the economic contribution to GDP. Jokowi assessed that it must immediately abolish ” Jawasentris “, which has a very dominating GDP and other islands must be encouraged.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2018, the economic contribution to GDP in Java reached 58.49 percent. A very large number right. While other areas are under the island of Java.

The third reason is, Emergency water availability. The availability of clean water is the focus of the government in determining the new capital city. This water crisis or emergency was strengthened from the 2016 PUPR (Public Works and Public Housing) data which experienced a rather severe water crisis. Some are included in the category of yellow water. Namely, artinua is experiencing water pressure, for example in the Central Java region.

For East Java, there is an orange indicator which means there is water scarcity. And in Jabodetabek experiencing absolute scarcity with a red indicator. There is an indicator of clean and healthy water with a green symbol. Namely in the region of Mount Salak to the tip of the kulon.

The fourth reason is, land conversion in Java is superior. The results of the KLHS modeling by Bappenas 2019 showed that the biggest land conversion occurred in Java. Whereas the proportion of land consumption that has been developed exceeds Kalimantan. Mentioned up to 5 times

Not denying the proportion of land built in Java is greater. Ie in the range of 48.41 percent. However, it later declined to around 46.49 percent in 2010. It is predicted that land developed in Java will emerge. following the discourse of removal of the national capital by the government.

Another thing taken into consideration is Jakarta’s 10th worst air quality in the world. Is not it time to clean up, make up with nature that we will inherit to our children and grandchildren. It’s not a matter of pros and cons, but the sustainability of the nation also needs attention. In addition, the absorption of new workers from the local area is also prioritized. By continuing to promote beautiful and natural urban planning as a green open space. Also the future hope is the realization of economic equality in all regions of Indonesia without exception. Come on, support the implementation of the construction of a new capital city with a more advanced future!

) * The author is a social political observer

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