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Relocation of the Capital City Realizes Manpower Absorption


By: Edi Jatmiko) *

Thanks to the relocation of the National Capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, the Ministry of National Development Planning / National Development Planning Agency (PPN / Bappenas) predicts employment opportunities on the island of Kalimantan will increase by 10.5 percent and nationally it will increase by 1 percent.

PPN Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said the projections were made based on the value of the new capital development project with the absorption of the workforce created. He has calculated that projects worth Rp 1 trillion in developing a new capital city will be able to absorb 14 thousand workers.

              Meanwhile, the initial government projection, the investment value of construction projects that will be carried out reaches hundreds of trillions.

              He said development in the new capital region would not only be carried out by the government, but also by the private sector. One scheme that will be used is the collaboration of the Government and Business Entity (PPP).

              Bambang estimates that several investment sectors in East Kalimantan will be the first priority for investors, namely health construction, restaurants, education, cement, trade, mining, services, transportation, hotels, finance, communications to fisheries.

              He was optimistic that with the growth of real investment, the economic growth in East Kalimantan during the capital development process could only reach 7.3 percent and could contribute to national economic growth of 0.6 percent.

              According to him, as much as 54.6 percent or Rp.265.2 trillion of the total funds needed to move the capital city around Rp. 486 trillion will be met through the PPP. Some of the developments that will use the scheme are the executive, legislative and judiciary buildings, the construction of major infrastructure in addition to those listed in the state budget (APBN), education, health facilities and museums.

              Then, specifically from the private sector alone, as much as Rp 127.3 trillion or 26.2 percent. Several projects will be developed, such as public housing , universities, airports, ports, toll roads, health facilities and shopping centers.

              The rest, the government will disburse funds of Rp93.5 trillion or 19.2 percent coming from the state budget for the construction of new capitals. A number of projects that will be developed through APBN funds, namely basic service infrastructure, state palaces, official civil servant (PNS) housing, land acquisition, green open space and military bases.

              On different occasions Suharso Monoarfa said the government would provide three million jobs in the location of the new capital, Penajam Paser Utara and Kutai Kertanegara .

              The orientation of employment to be provided is directed to an environmentally friendly sector that is in line with the goals of sustainable development ( SDG’s ). Because , the concept of developing a new capital city is to make it a sustainable, well-maintained city that meets environmental criteria. Not only that, the transport capacity of the region can also be utilized as well as possible.

              To realize this, the government needs a study of the population that can roughly live in the location of the new capital. The number of residents who will live there depends on the attractiveness of the nation’s capital city.

              President Jokowi has also given directions to the Ministry of PPN / Bappenas to elaborate on all preparations for planning the development of the State Capital, both macro and master plan.

              On different occasions, the National Dayak Scholars Association or Kaltara ICDN , Dolvina D Amus, said that her minority party needed to be given attention by giving the main employment portion. Because if not it will be able to cause social jealousy.

              Dolvina revealed that the capital city could be given a special policy to the Dayaks, especially in terms of employment. Considering of course there will be migrant workers, so he feels the need for policies to be arranged in such a way.

              Furthermore, he also requested that the Dayak tribe be given special protection related to customary land and forests, this is a source of life for the Dayak tribe.

              No doubt, if the IKN transfer can absorb labor, of course this will have an impact on reducing unemployment. This certainly requires synergy between the government, the private sector and local residents.

              The movement of the National Capital which is the ideals of the nation should have a positive impact on the country and the local area in Kalimantan, so that the degree of welfare of the community can increase.

) * The author is a social political observer

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