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Sumatra is Indonesia, Kalimantan is Indonesia, Sulawesi is Indonesia, Likewise Papua is an inseparable part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. So that differences in ethnicity or skin color certainly do not become obstacles for all elements of the nation to uphold a sense of unity and unity. Anger that exploded because of racist tone of speech, has recently appeared in various news both mass media and online media. Apparently racist words have a serious impact on national security.

However, the problem of racism that has not existed for a long time has appeared. Papuan students who live in Surabaya get the term “Monkey” and this then triggers the anger of the Papuan people in Manokwari and Jayapura. Coupled with slander and information that is increasingly oiling outbursts of anger that are difficult to stop. As a result, roadblocks and fires in the Papua Parliament Building became inevitable.

We must not forget that the differences possessed by Indonesia are created so that the Indonesian world has a beautiful harmony. Just imagine, if from Sabang to Merauke everything is the same, wouldn’t that be something to saturate. Like a guitar, it will certainly be enjoyed when it has 6 different strings, what if all 6 strings have the same sound? can indeed sound but does not show harmony. Even Pancasila, which was formulated long ago, has a motto that is gripped by Garuda Birds, namely Bhineka Tunggal Ika which means different but still one. It seems to be a reminder to us that Indonesia may be different but we are still one entity. Remember, Indonesia is a fixed price that cannot be contested, both by other countries and our own nation.

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