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Revision of the Amnesty Tax Rules


CIDISS – Jakarta. Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia issued a new innovation to boost state tax revenues. On Friday (17/11/2017), Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati released the revised Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) number 118 of 2016 on tax amnesty. The latest PMK affirms and facilitates the exemption of Income Tax (PPh) for tax amnesty participants in the need to reverse the name of the property in the form of land and building.

The ease given by the Directorate General (DGT) of Tax that is free of income tax facilities can be obtained by simply bringing a photocopy of certificate of tax amnesty to the Land Deed Official (PPAT).

“Revise the rules to facilitate taxpayers who have been following the tax amnesty.Related the process of taxpayers who participated tax amnesty was to make the process behind the name of the right to land or buildings,” said Sri Mulyani at the Ministry of Finance Building, Jakarta, Friday, November 17, 2017 .

The new PMK is expected to encourage taxpayers to promptly report any property not yet disclosed or reported in the Annual Tax Return (SPT). These unreported assets will be levied and are required to pay the final income tax at normal rates. For those who have not yet paid the asset at tax amnesty, the rate charged to the Agency is 25%, personal person (OP) is 30% and certain WP is 12.5%.

“I also want to convey the implications of the tax amnesty law, which is a positive news for taxpayers, that is how we encourage them to disclose their own unreported property, which has not been included in the tax amnesty to enter the Annual Tax Return and SPH, “explained the Finance Minister.

Sri Mulyani also explained that behind the name of the building and the land can not only be done by the Ministry of Finance and the Directorate General of Taxation, but also with all related parties both the Ministry and Institution (K/L).

“Complaints about how to reverse the name of the land and buildings, especially the goods and property included in the tax amnesty that we can not finish only from the Ministry of Finance and the DGT, but the process is also determined in the Ministry of ATR and the whole range of BPN. clarification to the community, so this process can facilitate, make it legal and orderly administration, without making people burdened,” he concluded. (SA)

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