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Social Media, Spreading “Hoax”, and Culture Sharing


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Indonesian people today are generally happy to share information. Coupled with the development of digital technology that penetration to various circles, circulation of information becomes increasingly difficult unstoppable.

Minister of Communications and Informatics Rudiantara said, at least 170 million people of Indonesia have at least one phone or at least one SIM card. Thus, they can share information quickly. Social media and fast sending apps (chat apps) are becoming favorite media. However, this seems to have led to a new polemic. Information is right and wrong to be a jumble.

In a discussion event on Monday (13/2/2017) Rudiantara said that the Indonesian people are generally happy to be number one. So, if throwing the issue want to be considered the first. The proof, send via WA, Facebook, Twitter, and so on.

The issue of hoax, said Rudiantara, is not only a problem in the country, but a global issue. The settlement of the hoax is also not solely to be resolved by the government, but it can adopt non-government solutions.

Communication was done by the government, through Kominfo, with various parties from outside, such as Facebook and Google. Cooperation is done to filter content and various information.

Regulation related, circulation of information so as not “illegal” can be done in accordance with the corridor of Law No. 40 of 1999 on Press (Press Law) for the mass media. Sanctions for the dissemination of hoax information may be subject to punishment as stated in Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE).

However, Rudiantara said, now the government focus on “upstream”. Not just limitation or blocking, but rather the literacy of society. We encourage, promote all walks of life, ethics on how to use social media.

People are expected to be wiser in utilizing social media. For example, ensuring in advance the accuracy of the content to be shared, clarifying the truth, ensuring the benefits, and then spreading it.

Interaction in social media, he said, is a thing that cannot be prevented and dammed. Restrictions in the use of social media are tantamount to limiting the inclusion of positive things. Therefore, social media on the other hand also brings many positive impacts. For example mothers who like to cook, share photos of his cooking on Facebook, you know the price. There is still much that can be used for positive things.

Anything that has a positive impact will have an adverse effect. Like social media. In addition to having a positive impact, social media also has other negative effects. Therefore, people are expected to be wiser in utilizing social media. Before disseminating information the public is expected to ensure in advance the accuracy of the content to be shared, clarify the truth, confirm the benefits, and then disseminate it. So it does not become news that is uncertain or confusing.

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