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Solid with the TNI, Jokowi moves fast to overcome the Earthquake in Palu and Donggala


CIDISS. Natural disasters in the form of earthquakes and tsunamis that occurred in Central Sulawesi led President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to go to Palu, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi), directly reviewing the areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Arriving in Palu, Jokowi immediately led a limited meeting (meeting) handling the impact of the earthquake.

During his visit, Jokowi appeared to wear a TNI-style green-black camouflage jacket. Military observer Susaningtyas Kertopati assessed that the imposition of camouflage jackets was a form of appreciation from the president for TNI institutions.

Jokowi said that the TNI camouflage jacket worn by President Jokowi was a form of presidential appreciation to TNI institutions in their rapid action to deal with disasters in Palu and Donggala.

He said, for a president it is prerogative to wear military uniforms at certain times as well as international provisions in any country in the world. He continued, many other countries also wore military jackets uniformed by their country’s troops. Some even wore military uniforms complete with attributes and epaulets.

Susaningtyas said, this time the president was wearing a TNI jacket for the second time. Previously when reviewing the title of TNI forces in the Natuna Islands, President Jokowi also wore a Navy jacket.

He considered, Jokowi was wearing a TNI jacket as a form of appreciation and encouraging soldiers who were on duty. Therefore the use of the TNI jacket by the TNI President had no other meaning except to give appreciation and enthusiasm to the TNI Soldiers on duty.

President Joko Widodo’s quick move to visit victims directly is a wise decision. That way, the President can determine the right steps for emergency response. President Jokowi also asked the TNI to help the community carry out reconstruction and rehabilitation after the earthquake so that Palu immediately rose from the disaster that struck.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

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