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Stop Anarchist Demonstration It’s Time to Go through the Constitutional Path


By: Iskandar) *

A number of student elements still took to the streets to demonstrate to criticize a number of laws. In fact, there is a nobler path to express opinions, namely through constitutional channels. Demonstrations are thought to often end in chaos and disturb public order.

The hustle and bustle of the demonstration has diminished, but practice is still being discovered. Not one or two people, sometimes there are thousands. Not only in one area, but at the same time they have also held a joint solidarity action. Unfortunately, this kind of action must end with an anarchism. Debris left over from violence always imprints on the physical and also the heart. Besides this violence indiscriminately, whether educated or shameless. As if everything becomes one solid when emotions control an ambiguous soul.

The demonstration ended in chaos because the emergence of anarchism was considered a threat to security. In addition to financial losses can also threaten the safety of life. So that people are advised to avoid this kind of action. Moreover, it must be extra vigilant against hidden persons who intend to divide the unity and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Regarding this issue, the issue of revision of the KPK Law is still buzzing. One member of the Nasdem Party faction, Surya Paloh, suggested that the rejection related to this right should be resolved through dialogue and not by demonstrations. He also stated that he made efforts to establish communication or other best ways with the students. He also stressed the NasDem party respects the relevant endorsement
The revision of the KPK Law was decided at the DPR plenary meeting. However, on the other hand he also wants the aspirations of students and the community to be respected.

The NasDem Party said it also had a share in the ratification of the revision. Because, all the regulations were agreed upon by all factions at the time of their ratification. Surya stated openly if he was ready to admit mistakes if indeed the revision was considered wrong. However, to finish the controversy, he advised students to take a material test or commonly called JR (Judicial Review) at the Constitutional Court. He considered if this road was better than having to go down the road to protest. Because, he does not agree if the actions take to this road are continuously carried out, because these actions are vulnerable to being infiltrated by deviant religious elements.

Bak tit for tat, relating to the suggestion to go to the Constitutional Court to take a judicial review, the Student Executive Board or popular with the BEM forum expressed its intention to choose this JR route. Hengky Primana, as the Central Coordinator of BEM Nusantara, asserted that the agency agreed to take the legal route earlier than having to carry out demonstrations at the DPR Building. He considered that JR results would produce decisions absolutely and could not be contested. However, he also stated that he would still appreciate those who took the other path.

Previously, it was reported that activists from BEM All over Indonesia (BEM SI) also held demonstrations in Jakarta and a number of other cities. BEM SI gave speeches and demanded President Jokowi to immediately issue a KPPU Perpu. They also stated their intention to meet President Jokowi to convey their aspirations. But, in its implementation, BEM SI refused to attend when Jokowi invited them to the Palace to have a joint dialogue.

According to him, the suggestion for the issuance of the KPPU Perpu would cause problems if it was approved by President Jokowi but was rejected by the DPR. This condition also has the potential to lead to prolonged conflicts between the executive and the legislature. So, it will even be troublesome later.

BEM Nusantara asserted that if it did not disapprove of the revision of the KPK Law and the revision of the Criminal Code as a whole. However, there are some substances that are considered to be reviewed and revised again. He agreed to take JR to the Constitutional Court. Hengky also realized that the Constitutional Court’s decision is absolute and must be obeyed and implemented.

Furthermore, as a dignified nation, of course we will be able to recognize which actions are positive and which are negative. And want to control emotions when faced with situations that are “hot”. So that all kinds of adverse possibilities will be avoided. Realizing unity and unity is indeed not easy, but if you stay focused it will certainly be very easy to implement. Being wise can start with yourself, right? So, Stop the Anarchist demo!

) * The author is a social political observer

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