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Stop Provocation and Opposition to Cyber World Radicalism When It’s Time to Post Positive Content


By: Friska Anastasia )*

Provocation, hate speech, and hoax are the other side of cyber radicalism. The door to radicalism and intolerance can come from uncontrolled hatred. If this hatred continues blindly, one can do behavior that is more terrible than just spreading provocation and hatred. A person can do persecution, or even commit acts of terror.

Why does cyber radicalism need to be resisted? Because in the millennial era like now, almost all activities can be done in cyberspace. Almost everyone, from children to adults, spends their time doing activities in cyberspace. Therefore, protecting the virtual world from negative messages needs to be done.

The world must be decorated with soothing messages, peaceful messages, and inspiring messages. Give something that can unite diversity.

Don’t let our young generation become an angry generation, a generation that likes to blow itself up. Remember, provocation, hate speech, and hoax in cyberspace, can make someone quickly exposed to online radicalism. Keep opposing radicalism in cyberspace, so that the next generation is not exposed to radicalism.

For that, let us use the virtual world to post content positive content that fosters optimism. Let’s fight hoaxes and radicalism movements in cyberspace. It’s time for us to develop the superiority of our nation, our noble culture and our culinary wealth and the beauty of our country in the virtual world.

*) Blogger – National University Student

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