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Strengthening Indonesia’s Economy Competitiveness, Finance Minister: Develop a Digital-Based Economy


CIDISS. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said that she faces the 4.0 industrial revolution, it is time for the university to become the innovation and technology development wheel with Triple Helix approach in Hilirisasi research, which is synergy between government, private and universities.

Sri Mulyani said that in the future, this trend will be transformed into N-helix cooperation, which involves not only universities, private sector and government, but also community groups, philanthropy, and organizations at home and abroad.

In his oration, she talked about the era of industrial revolution 4.0 that has the characteristics of automation and the digital economy. The development of super-computers, robots, artificial intelligence, and genetic modification resulted in a shift in labor trends, which no longer depend on human labor, but on machines.

A study from McKinsey (2016) mentions that in the next five years of 52.6 million types of work will be replaced by machines. It follows a global trend where 60 percent of jobs will adopt automation systems, and 30 percent will use digital technology machines.

This has an impact on the shifting world trend from the manufacturing sector to the service sector that requires middle-higher skilled labor, not to mention low-skilled labor.

On the other hand, the 4.0 industrial revolution also opens up new opportunities. Indonesia with a population demographic, mostly in the productive age and the middle class, and the status of one of the world’s largest populations, has the potential to become an e-commerce leader in the digital economy era.

Meanwhile, UI Rector, Prof. Muhammad Anis, also talks about the industrial revolution 4.0. He said, with the era of industrial revolution 4.0, information technology become embedded in our daily lives. To compensate for this development, UI currently offers several courses that discuss digital and big data analysis.

In addition, UI is now intensifying lecture activities based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by conducting Distance Education (PJJ) which is expected to open the widest opportunity for all children of the nation from all walks of life to be able to enjoy learning in UI.

The digital economy is growing rapidly with the rapid development of technology today. The government is optimistic that it can have a positive impact on the economy of the country. To realize a more competitive Indonesia through the development of entrepreneurship and digital sector, cooperation is required of all parties. Not only the government, but also the business world, academia, and the wider community to create a conducive ecosystem. Let this good start together we continue with the full spirit to build Indonesia’s economy into a digital era. And at the same time print entrepreneurs who are able to move the economy and create new jobs with creativity and business innovation.

By: Moch. Irfandi *)

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