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Strict Rules and Respons to KST Papua


By : Timothy Gobay )*

The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) has returned to action by shooting civilians. The community also supports firm action against the group so that there will be no more violence against civil society.

Papua never stops getting terror from KST Papua. Most recently, a Susi Air plane with flight number SI 9368 was burned by terrorists from the armed criminal group (KKB) in Nduga Regency, Central Papua. The incident occurred on February 7, 2023.

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fahiri said the plane was piloted by Captain Philips M, who is a New Zealand citizen. He mentioned the names of five passengers on Susi Air’s plane, namely Demanus Gwijangge, Minda Gwijangge, Pelenus Gwijangge, Meita Gwijangge, and Wetina W. Until now, the joint apparatus is still trying to investigate the case. 

Previously, one of the right-hand men of the KST Papua leadership, Ondius Kogoya, was found to have committed a crime in the Intan Jaya area on January 30, 2023.

This person was Ondius Kogoya’s staff who carried out a reckless action by shooting a civilian in the area. The victim who was shot had the initials S, who owned a motorcycle repair shop in Sagupa District, Central Papua.

Until now, it is not known for sure the reason for the shooting incident against civilians. It is not yet known who the KST member was who had the heart to carry out the shooting.  

Based on the results of case identification, the local police found indications that the criminal was a KST member. At that time, S, as the owner of a workshop in the Sagupa District, almost died after being shot in the back.

The victim, who is the owner of the repair shop, was rescued. The victim was finally rushed to the Sagupa Health Center and is currently undergoing intensive treatment. In this case, the security forces confirmed that the shooter was a KST member led by Ondius Kogoya.

The existence of KST in Papua with all its heinous actions so far has certainly created an endless sense of fear for the people of Papua. It is not wrong for Papuans to become inflamed and express their jealousy towards their countrymen and fellow countrymen in other areas who are allowed to enjoy the dynamics of normal life without fear from the sudden attack from KST.

The brutal acts of KST have made the people of Papua even more miserable, this is because the attacks from KST have increasingly brought people’s activities to a halt. This shows that acts of terror in Papua can stop community activities such as buying and selling.

KST itself has tarnished the name of Papua which is known as a beautiful region. The beauty of Papua shouldn’t be damaged by the existence of KST who likes to spread terror.

KST has also recorded serious cases, such as mass killings, theft and even arson of public facilities. If a KST member is caught, of course, he must receive severe punishment as a deterrent effect.

On a different occasion, DPD RI member from Papua Yorrys Raweyai asked the government to eradicate KST from its roots. This means that KST must be muzzled because it is considered detrimental to the people of Papua to the point where they are threatened, of course the presence of constant terror can damage the mentality of the people.

The attack from KST will force the market to deactivate buying and selling activities, this is of course very detrimental to the community, because many Papuans will lose their income.

KST also has the heart to burn people’s houses. Even though it was clear that the owner of the house was his own tribesman. KST’s heinous actions certainly violated human rights and the group was proven to have taken actions that were clearly detrimental to society.

In their actions, they also seem immeasurable. KST has long popularized the call to create a Federal Republic, but instead they have made society their public enemy. 

Previously, the chairman of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) Andi Taufan Damanik said that KST, which frequently carries out attacks, is indeed disrupting Papua’s development.

Of course, the pinning of the terrorist label for KST is not without foundation. Because Law Number 5 of 2018 states that a terrorist is anyone who plans, mobilizes and organizes terrorism.          

The existence of KST in Papua with all its evil actions so far has certainly created an endless sense of fear for local residents. It is not wrong for Papuans to become inflamed and express their jealousy towards their countrymen and fellow countrymen in other areas who are allowed to enjoy the dynamics of normal life without fear from the sudden attack from KST.

With atrocities that clearly violate human rights, of course the state is obliged to exist with a clear objective, namely to protect Papuans so that they can lead normal lives, without being overshadowed by terror and fear. When Papua returns to peace and conducive conditions without conflicts involving firearms, the government can calmly continue development on Cenderawasih Land

Fighting and liberating Papua from various terror and crimes against humanity by KST is a concrete manifestation for the state to protect the basic rights of the Papuan people.

With this shooting case, KST deserves to be dealt with firmly, this is so that Papua can become a developed and peaceful region.

In response to this, the Papuan people must not fall for propaganda or hoaxes from members of the KST which are carried out to gain the sympathy of the Papuan people. Firm action by the authorities is a form of protection for Papua, not a violation of human rights or an attempt to militarize Papua.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo 

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