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Supporting Bureaucratic Simplification To Speed Up Licensing


By: Wahyu Abdillah) *

Simplifying the bureaucracy is a step to accelerate the licensing process and also community services in various fields. Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform (MenPan-RB) Tjahjo Kumolo stated, the policy of simplifying bureaucracy became an important momentum for the government.

According to him, the most important momentum to simplify the bureaucracy is also in conjunction with the development of human resources (HR) and the removal of the National Capital (IKN) in facing global challenges.

These challenges can be seen from the drastic change in the way things work through digital transformation. This certainly will require the ASN as Human Resources in government to have the expertise and competence to be able to work quickly, adaptively and innovatively.

In addition, the simplification of the bureaucracy currently being carried out by the government also aims to accelerate business licensing and trade. Without a complicated bureaucracy, the business and trade climate will improve, thereby improving the economy, especially in the regions.

With a simple position structure, the Ministry of PAN-RB encourages the acceleration of bureaucratic reform to be more dynamic, agile and professional to increase effectiveness and efficiency in supporting public services. According to him, through simplification of bureaucracy will accelerate decision making, especially in the licensing process.

Please note, in the case of trade there are several licensing processes, one of which is the issuance of trade business licenses (SIUP), where the letter is proof of the legality of a business that runs a trade.

One of them is accelerating trade and strengthening the domestic market by accelerating the licensing process. By streamlining structural positions to just 2 levels, the decision making process on trade will be faster, so that the Indonesian economy will also improve.

This bureaucratic simplification acceleration through 5 stages. First, identify administrative positions affected by bureaucratic simplification. Then the third is the mapping of functional positions that can be occupied by officials affected by bureaucratic simplification.

The fourth step is the alignment of functional position allowances with administrative allowances. And the fifth stage is the alignment of administrative positions to functional positions.

Although the simplification of bureaucracy is carried out in all levels of government, there are some positions that cannot be transferred. Of course, the exception is with a number of requirements or functions of the position.

Simplifying structural officials to 2 levels is one of President Joko Widodo’s work priorities. With a simple structure, investment licensing will be faster and can increase economic growth in the center and the regions.

Of course we should be grateful, because bureaucratic reform is one of the 5 priority targets in the vision and mission of the Jokowi-Ma’ruf government, which was conceived as a path of change towards a more productive, competitive country that has high flexibility in dealing with all changes.

This also shows its sustainability with a high commitment to ensure that bureaucratic reform can be a lever factor in increasing investment and competitiveness.

Strategic steps in spurring Bureaucratic Reform will certainly continue to be directly guarded by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, particularly in relation to structural reforms, to ensure that bureaucracy is made simpler.

The commitment of the government in accelerating bureaucratic reform is also reflected in the implementation of good governance and e-governance. With this system, the state is present in building clean, effective, democratic and reliable governance.

E-Governance is actually a form of contextual bureaucratic reform as an antithesis of procedural bureaucratic reform (administrative documents, absenteeism and performance benefits).

Of course we have a role to reform the bureaucracy’s orientation and accountability. Performance orientation and accountability of all government agencies both at central and regional levels, which should no longer be satisfied only with process indicators such as how much is the budget absorption, how is the opinion on financial statements, and other procedural matters.

The Indonesian bureaucracy must change from function-based main functions to performance-based (results and impacts). Each organizational unit and every government agency must be able to demonstrate the role and contribution directly in achieving the target of government performance indicators. If not, then government units or organizations can be abolished.

Therefore bureaucratic reform must be a concern for all of us, so that there are no more complicated regulations when dealing with licensing interests in business or trade.

) * The author is an observer of public administration, active in the Library of the Institute

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