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The Child Protection System is one of the Development Goals


CIDISS. Child protection system is one of the three goals of development considering the child is the next generation of the nation that will become the future determinant of a country.

Child Protection Sub-Division Head of the PPN or Bappneas Ministry, Yosi Diani Tresna said that one of the goals of the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) development is the strengthening of child protection system including efforts to protect children from violence, exploitation, neglect, and other mistreatment.

He added, Stakeholders (stakeholders) have a role in child protection. Subsequently, the government that socializes and educates children’s rights and regulations on child protection, provides facilities and infrastructure and a conducive atmosphere for children, and gives children the opportunity to actively participate.

Meanwhile, mass media and businesses also have a role to monitor and monitor related to the implementation of children’s rights, to eliminate negative labeling of child victims, disseminate socialization and education materials. Then the general public reports to the authorities in case of violation of the rights of the child and plays an active role in the rehabilitation and integration process.

Tresna said, by developing and implementing a child protection system, understanding child protection is a cross-sector or field affair and should be done together.

Tresna added that all the elements involved in child protection will work in an integrated system with a more regular flow.

The role of universities spread throughout Indonesia is expected to become a flagship center that can support planning and implementation in the field of child protection. Universities can be partners of local government in developing child protection planning in areas that are aligned with local development plans.

By: Moch Irfandi *)

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