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The Condition of Papua Is Safe and Conducive


By: Edward Krey) *

The Papua riots exploited by separatists have triggered security instability in Papua. However, thanks to the steps taken by the government and the community, the situation is now safe and conducive, so that the community can carry out normal activities as before.

Merauke Police Chief AKBP Bahara Marpaung SH, said that the TNI and Polri gave appreciation to all security forces of the TNI and Polri, local government, religious leaders, community leaders, traditional leaders, youth leaders and women leaders as well as all residents of Merauke community who together guarded security is maintained safe and conducive.

            The security forces continue to synergize with all related components, Bahara said that the community should not be affected by leaflets, hoax issues and news, community activities in Papua have also been running well and smoothly without significant disruption.

            Meanwhile, the Jayapura District Police Binmas Unit has carried out a cooling down in the Batu Putih community of Numbay Kelurahan, South Jayapura District led by Kasas Binmas AKP Pieter Kendek, S. Sos., MM.

            Also attending were the Chief of the Bin Bin Ops Sat Binmas Ipda A. Chariri, Kanit Bin Kamsa Ipda M. Ulum, Kanmas Polytechnic Aiptu A. Hamid, Numbay Village Chief Yerry Rumanasem, RW 2 Yohanes Udam Chairman, RT 2 Chairman Irenius Victor and Batu Putih Atas residents 80 people.

            On that occasion Pieter responded to the post-incident that had occurred several days in the Jayapura city area, the police hoped that citizens could respond wisely and were expected not to be easily provoked by issues that were not necessarily true, aka Hoaxes, because the riots were triggered by people – people who want to divide brotherhood through social media or unclear information.

Papua Governor Lukas Enembe also appealed to all Papuans wherever they are, to continue to coordinate with the security forces to avoid the existence of other parties who wish to exploit or ride certain interests in anarchic ways.

            Governor Lukas also advised, that the Papuan people can maintain order during their opinions and speeches, of course by not doing damage to public facilities, government offices and buildings owned by the community.

            Looking at conditions that are starting to be safe and conducive, the Government of Indonesia has gradually begun to unblock internet data services in the regions of Papua and West Papua on Wednesday 4 September 2019 at 21:00 WIB. This was done after coordinating with law enforcement agencies and security forces and considering that conditions in several regencies in Papua had begun to recover.

            The Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara said the central government (multi-sector) policy was coordinated by the Menkopolhukam in an integrated manner. So that any decision must be carried out by the sector / ministry in coordination with the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security.

            Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, Wiranto said at the same time ensured that the blocking of internet access in Papua and West Papua would be opened because the conditions there were gradually peaceful after the demonstration which led to riots and road blockades.

            Meanwhile, the hard work of the TNI and Polri which was demonstrated by the direct commander of the TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and the National Police Chief Tito Karnavian, based in Papua, reaped positive results, the situation of the Cenderawasih Earth was increasingly safe and conducive.

            During their offices in Papua, the two top leaders of the TNI and Polri went directly to locations that had heated up, including visiting West Papua Province.

            For Jayapura, which was paralyzed due to demonstrations that led to anarchism, Tito said that the local situation was also gradually recovering. Although the remaining damage is still visible in several corners of the city.

            Indeed, in Papua there was a small demonstration, but overall the security there can be controlled and the situation has returned to normal, the traders have returned to hold their wares.

            The government has shown serious efforts in maintaining security and order in Papua, the community also should have synergized in creating a safe and conducive atmosphere, of course by avoiding racist speech and not being provoked by untrue news.

) * The writer is a Papuan student, living in Yogyakarta

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