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The Constitutional Court Betrayed the Constitution


Jakarta – The Constitutional Court (MK) has decided that someone who has served as a regional head or other state official who was elected through an election can nominate himself as president or vice president even though he is under 40 years old.

Jentera’s constitutional law expert, Bivitri Susanti, said that the Constitutional Court’s decision was clearly like an orchestra from the Constitutional Court and the President which clearly betrayed the constitution.

Almost in the same vein, the Chairman of Centra Inititiave, Al Araf, said that the Constitutional Court’s decision did not protect human rights but instead perpetuated the power of oligarchic regimes and political dynasties.

The Constitutional Court’s decision is considered to violate authority, where determining the requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates is the legislative and executive mechanism as the law makers.

“The public is very disappointed with the Constitutional Court’s decision which should consistently reject all claims regarding the age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates,” emphasized the Supervisory Board of Pensiunem, Titi Anggraini.

Previously, Ray Rangkuti in a discussion held by PARA Syndicate explained that a recomposition between the opposition and government supporters might occur, making President Jokowi’s position even more complicated.

“Various protests on social media show the palace that people are not in a happy mood regarding the current situation,” said Ray.

On the same occasion, Ari Nurcahyo, as Executive Director of PARA Syndicate, said that the current political dynamics appear to be regulated by the relevant parties, and the public is starting to understand the politics that flow, although sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is fake.

“This discussion should be a reminder for those who are studying, to be careful with the use of power, especially considering Jokowi’s remaining term until October 2024 which seems confusing to many people,” he said.

On the other hand, the Gerindra Party’s push for Prabowo to pair up with Gibran is actually a form of provocation to bring down President Jokowi’s good name at the end of his term of office.

The public believes that there are provocateurs who are deliberately playing up the issue with the Prabowo-Gibran scheme as an undercurrent aspiration, where the Gerindra Party has played the politics of playing against each other between President Jokowi and PDIP.

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