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The disbandment of FPI is Right


By: Edi Jatmiko)*

The dissolution of FPI is not just a discourse, because this mass organization has been banned by the government. Even billboards, banners, and other media that display their logos must be taken down. The prohibition of FPI activities does not violate the law, because this Ormas has not had a permit since 2019. The community supports the government in dissolving FPI. Since FPI was first established, in 1998, they have committed a lot of chaos. Starting from sweeping without permission, defending the guilty, to taking the law into your own hands. The community is very confused about the existence of this Ormas, because they destroy the harmony between people in Indonesia, and never understand pluralism. The disbandment of FPI is the most exciting news at the end of 2020. They are prohibited from conducting reunions, meetings, or any activities in Indonesia. Moreover, this Ormas permit has not been extended by the Minister of Home Affairs since 2019. The community has no regrets, instead they feel happy because this Ormas has finally been banned from operating in Indonesia. However, FPI made another maneuver. They raised the issue that the government was blocking freedom of opinion and was anti-Islam, because mass organizations that defend religion were dissolved. But the attack was hit back by PP Muhammadiyah Secretary Abdul Mut’i. According to him, the government is not anti-Islam, but rather enforces laws and regulations. Abdul Mut’i advised the people not to overreact in responding to the disbandment of FPI. This is because the CSO’s registered certificate has expired, which means that they are declared illegal. Legally, FPI has disbanded itself. In that sense, if they are disciplined, they cannot fight back, because they are proven to be illegal organizations. The public are advised not to be provoked by the iu blown by FPI. Because they always play the victim and act as if they have always been hurt by the government. In fact, they have always opposed the rules in Indonesia. So that it must be dissolved, because it also always disturbs the public with actions that are out of line. If people are persuaded to become pro FPI, remember that they cause chaos too often. This mass organization is very intolerant and does not respect people with other beliefs. The proof is that in December, they always sweeping Christmas attributes arbitrarily and hurting the hearts of the people who are celebrating it. FPI also forced the government to form a caliphate state, even though Indonesia is a Pancasila country. Unscrupulous intruders like them cannot just change. If they persist, they will be categorized as separatists, because they oppose the government and provoke many people to be disloyal to the country. Disbandment of FPI is also mandatory, because there is already video evidence when the FPI commander (Rizieq Shihab) admits to defending ISIS, even though the organization is banned in Indonesia. The video clip shows how radical the FPI is. Because they did a variety of ways, including inciting the community, so that they would defect from Indonesia. In fact, when the late KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) was still the president of the Republic of Indonesia, he had already planned to dissolve the FPI. Because they are not in line with the pluralism taught by him. But it hasn’t materialized yet, because he was impeached before the Ormas was disbanded. The people are certainly more pro-Gus Dur (late) and the government than FPI, so that when FPI was dissolved, no one regretted it. In fact, many people are relieved, because in the future there will be no more chaos that they cause. In addition, harmony between people and peace in Indonesia will continue to be preserved. The dissolution of FPI should not be seen as something negative. Because these organizations do not have a permit, they are considered disbanded according to state law. The public must be aware of the provocations of those playing victims and do not be incited by misleading persuasion. ) * The author is active in the Cikini Press and Student Circle

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