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The government is optimal for preparing a vaccination program


By: Alfisyah Dianasari) *
The national corona vaccination is a very important program, because there will be injections of more than 200 million Indonesian citizens. The government prepares for this immunization as well as possible. The goal is to be 100% successful and the pandemic will end soon, and we can do our activities normally.
When the Sinovac vaccine landed in Indonesia, the public was excited because they were impatient with the corona immunization. They cheered even more when President Jokowi made this immunization free for all Indonesian citizens. Because if you have to pay, the price is around 600,000 rupiah for 2 injections, while many people have decreased financial capacity.
However, to wait for the immunization schedule, the community must be patient, because the first priority being injected is health workers. The reason is because they are more at risk of being exposed to corona at the hospital. In addition, the government is still preparing an immunization program for all Indonesian citizens, so that it runs smoothly.
Preparation for vaccination involves many things. Doctor Wiku Adisasmito, spokesperson for the COVID-19 task force team, stated that the government is preparing a corona immunization roadmap, which is being worked on by the Ministry of Health and other ministries who are members of the committee. Hopefully the roadmap will be completed quickly so that immunization is truly ready.
Doctor Wiku continued, the roadmap will be a concrete map in the national corona immunization. Later it will be seen from the priority scale. Areas with black and red zones are given vaccination first, because the number of Covid patients is the most. Meanwhile, areas with orange, yellow, and green zones will follow.
Preparation before the immunization program starts is very important. Because while waiting for the vaccines ordered from Pfizer and other companies to arrive, the vaccination plan must be well thought out. This is because, first, the total population of Indonesia is more than 200 million people, so a roadmap must be made based on the principle of justice so that all Indonesian citizens get the vaccine.
Second, vaccines cannot be injected just like that. Because the character of each vaccine is different. For the Sinovac vaccine, it can be stored at a temperature of 3 to 8 degrees Celsius, so it is necessary to procure a cooler so that the vaccine does not die on the way. The availability of coolers in remote locations must also be considered, as well as the electricity supply.
As for the Pfizer vaccine, the temperature needed is even cooler. It must be stored in a room of minus 70 degrees Celsius or the temperature equivalent at the North Pole. This cooling problem is a bit of a headache, because its procurement requires a lot of money. Fortunately, Pfizer was finally willing to lend a vaccine cooler to the government.
After the cooling problem is resolved, what needs to be considered is the immunization schedule. The Ministry of Health sends an SMS to the public notifying when to get the corona vaccine injection. They must want to be immunized, so that their bodies are immune from the attack of the Covid-19 virus.
The arrangement of the vaccination sites also needs to be considered, because the location must be large so that the community can maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter. They also have to wear masks and don’t take them off when chatting. Also obliged to wash hands before entering the room.
Even though they have been vaccinated, people still have to maintain health protocols and don’t celebrate by removing masks carelessly. The reason is because they could be people without symptoms before being injected with the corona vaccine. We still have to guard against the worst and don’t be negligent in the slightest.
National corona immunization will become the government’s homework in 2021, because there are more than 200 million people being injected. The number of vaccines imported continues to grow, and an immunization roadmap will be prepared by the Ministry of Health and other relevant ministries. Hopefully the corona vaccination goes well and we all make it out of the pandemic.

) * The author is a citizen living in Depok

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