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The Role of Media in Escorting Critical Opposition Attitudes without Hoax Information as a Constructive Democracy


By: Rishan Fauzi )*

The drama of the 2019 presidential election finally found the final point on June 27, 2019, the end of the drama which was completed by the constitutional court which finally won the stronghold of 01, the Joko Widodo pair which was incumbent and KH. Ma’ruf Amin is the vice president who will honor this Republic in the next 5 years.

The constitutional court rejected all claims and suspicions of the 02 stronghold, which means that the holding of elections in 2019 runs without fraud. With the results of a verdict like this, the constitutional court expects all legions to accept the results of the Constitutional Court’s decision. And after the results of this decision came out, the supporting parties of each candidate pair appeared to be moving dynamically to prepare various political steps and other strategic plans to meet their political interests for the next 5 years.

Ideally, the coalition is a combination of several political groups formed for specific purposes, such as winning the presidential election contestation or building strength in the success of various program policies. The Coalition was established to combine the values ​​of several groups, political flow in this case political parties in order to achieve their political goals and interests which should also be the goal of this nation, namely achieving people’s welfare.

On the other hand, Opposition is very necessary in a democratic system, both in presidential systems and parliamentary systems which aim at balancing or controlling various policies of the authorities to achieve their goals correctly. Opposition as a manifestation of a democratic system must be carried out constructively with criticism based on correct data and facts and not solely aimed at bringing down the government. That is, the weakness of the opposition can actually make the ruling government without good control slip on the dictatorship and not be optimal in carrying out its development program policies because it tends to be corrupt. While on the other hand if the opposition is just a different origin without a clear basis and sourced from the basis of hoax data engineering, moreover the more terrible by using sensitive packaging that can divide the nation, then the community can not believe in the opposition which can eventually damage the system democracy itself because it interferes with the course of development which at the end harms the interests of the people. So this is where the role of the media as a guardian of democracy must be clear and decisive, meaning that the media must provide space for the opposition in carrying out its functions in the field of supervision and control of the authorities, but if opposition criticism is built from hoaxes and even uses packaging that can divide the nation The media should not give space and space to opinions that the opposition wants to build so that the conducive situation in the public media space is maintained and the course of the development program is not hampered and unity is maintained. On the other hand, the media also announces the achievement of the achievement of the development results in order to create a sense of optimism in the community through balanced reporting.

The function of the opposition and the media is to monitor the running of the wheels of government in order to remain on the track and correct in implementing various development policies and programs, besides the opposition to build a balance of opinions to the public, the media must be selective and not just give space to opposition on the basis of democratic principles if the opinions to be presented are sourced from hoaxes, especially with packaging that can frustrate development and divide the nation. The media must guard constructively a democracy that is sourced from databases and facts that are not hoaxes so that the existence of the opposition will get a respectable space and contribute to the growth of a healthy democracy for the progress of the nation.

)* Blogger-Student Sospol Trisaksi University

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