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Vaccines Protect Ourselves and Our Relatives


Oleh : Reza Pahlevi)*

By: Reza Pahlevi) *

The corona vaccine is proven safe and protects humans from the covid-19 virus attack. Apart from that, this vaccine also protects others. So that no one can spread the corona to each other and the number of covid patients has decreased drastically. Herd immunity will be formed and we can be free from pandemic status.

The national vaccination program will become the focus of the government in 2021. All Indonesian citizens must get 2 shots of the vaccine, so that group immunity is formed immediately and ends the pandemic period. The requirement to get herd immunity is that at least 70% of the people in that group have been vaccinated. However, the government is targeting that 100% of Indonesian citizens must be vaccinated, so that no one gets corona.

KH Ahmad Mustofa Bisri (Gus Mus) stated that the corona vaccine is very useful, because it not only protects ourselves, but also our relatives. Because if we have been vaccinated, it will not transmit the corona to other people. Therefore, Gus Mus hopes that everyone will be vaccinated against covid.

When everyone has got the vaccine, of course we will be corona free. Therefore, no one should refuse vaccines, because they are proven safe. When Gus Mus had just been vaccinated, he admitted that he had no side effects. Hopefully everyone is healthy so they can get the corona vaccine.

Imagine if there was an antivax (anti-vaccine group) who insisted on not wanting to be vaccinated, it would be terrible. They don’t want to get corona but don’t want to be vaccinated, it’s really funny. If you later get corona when your body’s immunity is weak, do you still blame the government? Those who should regret it, because they got the opportunity to get the corona vaccine for free, but were rejected out of hand.

If the antivax insists on not being vaccinated and getting corona, it is feared that it will infect other people who have not received the vaccine. If this is the case, they are the ones who sin because they get the opportunity to be immune from corona, but instead refuse and transmit dangerous diseases to others. Therefore, large fines for people who do not want to be vaccinated are considered reasonable, so that all Indonesian citizens are orderly.

Gus Mus’s statement about vaccination is a great relief, especially for Muslims. The reason is, there are those who still doubt the vaccine from the halal side. If Gus Mus, who is in fact a great scholar, has been vaccinated, then the students and the general public will follow suit. Because there is a guarantee of safety from him. If the ulama want to be vaccinated, how much more ordinary people.

The Sinovac vaccine used in the early national vaccination program has received MUI halal status, and there is a guarantee from all MUI administrators and scholars. So we don’t have to doubt about its halalness. Because this vaccine is made from an attenuated virus, and does not contain pork gelatin.

The halalness of the Sinovac vaccine has been monitored by MUI since the time of manufacture in the PRC lab. So that it is proven to be truly halal, because it is constantly being guarded by many scholars. They certainly know the law of the halalness of an item, because they are experts. Therefore it can be trusted.

The corona vaccine is very safe, not only for ourselves, but also for those around us. When a father has been vaccinated, he will not pass the corona on to his wife and children at home. Because he has a higher risk, when working outside. So that people who get vaccinated are praiseworthy.

Let us succeed in the national vaccination program launched by the government. Vaccination is mandatory, and its benefits are not only for ourselves, but also for our families and others. if you decide to refuse the vaccine, it will be considered selfish, because it can transmit the corona to many people around it.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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