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Various Elements of Society Reject KAMI


By: Zakaria) *

KAMI existence has received a strong reaction from the community. From various regions, demonstrations emerged that refused when this organization would make an additional declaration. They feel KAMI are just messing with the peace in Indonesia and don’t really want to save Indonesia.

When KAMI wanted to prey and influence the people to hate the government, then he made a declaration, arguing that he wanted to save Indonesia. Because this declaration could attract a large number of people, permission was arranged from the authorities. Unfortunately, it was immediately rejected because it was still a pandemic period, so it was feared that there would be a new cluster.

Apart from being denied permission, KAMI were also protested by various groups of people in the regions. In Pemalang, dozens of activists rallied at Taman Patih Sampun. They are united in ASLUN (Alliance United Steps for Country). Dozens of activists refused KAMI to join Pemalang, because the coalition figures indicated had political content.

Andi Rustono, the coordinator of the demonstration stated that KAMI should cool off the atmosphere, because we are still in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately they even made the public heated up and declared a movement that could divide NKRI. KAMI also only contain people who are hungry for power and have political motives.

In Kendal, there are theatrical acts by Alansi Pemuda Kendal. They hold events in the chlorophyll forest yard. According to the head of the action, Kelana Siwi, this event was held because KAMI undermined national unity. Central Java is already at peace, don’t be confused by the declaration by the coalition to save Indonesia.

The students in Pati also rejected KAMI. They think that the organization is destroying peace in Indonesia. Those who joined the Pati Student Alliance rallied in front of the Pati DPRD building. KAMI are prohibited from entering the land of mina tani and should not make additional declarations in Central Java and its surroundings.

Not only students, deputy chairman of the DPR, Azis Syamsudin, also rejected one of the articles in our demands, which contained the pressure for the DPR to reject communism. According to him, so far the DPR has rejected the rise of communism in Indonesia. In that sense, the demands appear as if there were accusations that the people’s representatives did not prevent Marxism and communism.

The number of rejections against US, from officials, students, to ordinary people, shows that this organization has failed to get the sympathy of the public. The reason is that KAMI only show many government failures (according to their allegations) but do not tell how to deal with the effects of the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

KAMI are also considered tambeng, because we already know that when the 18 August declaration was then protested by many people, we even held similar events in many cities. Apart from the concern that it will create a new corona cluster (when there is no physical distancing), additional declarations are considered useless. Because they can only give speeches and give false promises and hopes to the public.

The way to save Indonesia is not with declarations and insults, but with concrete evidence. If the leaders want this country not to be in a state of economic crisis, then help the little people. Either by providing basic foodstuffs or giving them a job, in order to get a steady income.

US members demand that the government tackle corona patients. They should also be able to help by donating PPE clothes and lunch boxes for health workers. KAMI figures can contribute energy to volunteer at the hospital, because the health workers are overwhelmed.

Real action means more than seductive speech. KAMI should be self-aware, don’t just be good at cursing. If when interviewed, members can only talk and provoke, it will not get public sympathy. The rejection of US will continue.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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