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Volunteer Samawi Sukabumi and Ulama in West Bandung Regency Support Jokowi-Ma’ruf


By: Gani Permata
The flow of support for Jokowi-Ma’ruf is increasingly flowing. Support comes from various circles ranging from lower society to educated, middle class to upper class. This time the support came from hundreds of young scholars who joined the Solidarity of Jokowi (Samawi) Young Ulama Bandung Raya. They declared support for Jokowi-Ma’ruf’s victory in the 2019 Presidential Election.
The Jokowi-Ma’ruf pair is considered the right person to continue to be able to develop Indonesia, by maintaining nationalist and religious values. This was also the reason for Samawi’s belief in providing full support for the nation’s ideals.
In nation and state, the people of Indonesia need leaders who are able to regulate life between worldly interests and benefit.
“Religion commands us to be able to appoint a leader, to regulate the life of nation and state,” said Coordinator of Samawi Bandung Raya, KH Ali Husein.
Samawi’s support for Jokowi-Ma’ruf was indicated by the statement that around 400 coordinators had been recruited in the Sukabumi region, both cities and districts. Samawi Sukabumi will go through hundreds of homes to door to door. So that it can gain the sympathy of Sukabumi residents as many as 800 thousand votes.
“Being a coordinator, we target 500 houses. Every house has 3-4 votes. So, the target in Sukabumi is 800 thousand votes by Samawi, “said National Samawi spokesman, Nizar Ahmad Saputra.
In addition to Samawi’s support, candidate vice president number 01, Ma’ruf Amin, received representatives of clerics and scholars from Pasundan, Bandung, West Java to provide support to Paslon 01, Jokowi-Ma’ruf.
One of the representatives, Maulana ZA said that the infrastructure built by Jokowi was greatly benefited by the entire community. Many people came to the clerics to ask them to support Paslon 01. He also considered the problems in the community to be overcome by Jokowi. Benefits can also be felt, both for communities in Islamic boarding schools and others.
“So for now in our area the people themselves come to the clerics to ask to support Jokowi-Ma’uf. For those who cross with us, will continue to be given understanding, given direction, with wisdom, not with bad things, “said Maulana.
At present the people of West Java have felt a positive impact during the leadership of President Joko Widodo. Although in 2014 lost in West Java, Jokowi continued to pay attention to the development and development of the West Java community through government programs. Among other things, the construction of tours and assistance to Islamic boarding schools.
With the instruments and support currently available, the Jokowi-Ma’ruf camp is believed to be able to defeat the pair number Prabowo 02-Sandi who won in West Java in the 2014 presidential election. According to the PDIP internal survey, currently Jokowi-Ma’ruf’s electability in West Java reached 52.4 percent. Therefore, the deployment of santri and community leaders will continue to be carried out to win Jokowi-Ma’ruf.
In addition to increasing electability, the support of volunteers from Samawi and Ulama in Bandung Regency certainly proved that Jokowi was a good person. The support also straightened out hoax information that said Jokowi was anti-ulama with the aim of disturbing the public and overthrowing Jokowi. So that the community is expected to indirectly believe in various false information that is widely spread on social media today. Because the information cannot be accounted for because it is not uncommon without valid data and sources.

  • Students at the University of Persada Indonesia

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