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Worship at Home Prevents Covid-19 Transmission


By: Zakaria) *

In the fasting month, Muslims hunt for merit by praying 5 times in congregation at the mosque and tarawih prayers every night. But in the midst of a corona pandemic, prayers in mosques are very vulnerable because they can transmit viruses to one another. Moreover, people affected by covid-19 attacks are not visible physically. MUI also invites Muslims to worship at home to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.

Ramadan was greeted with joy by you ‘m Muslim. In this holy month , me m ang obliged to fast and do not eat and drink from dawn to dusk. It feels heavy indeed, but gradually get used to it. J ika doing this compulsory worship, all prayers, God willing, will be granted.

Likewise if you do other worship, such as alms, rawatib prayers, tarawih, and congregational prayers in the mosque. The reward value will multiply. No wonder if after the call to prayer, houses of worship such as mosques, prayer rooms, to the mosque, filled with Muslims. When the call to prayer isya, they also enthusiasm for tarawih prayers.

But in the midst of this corona pandemic, there are appeals for worship at home only. Tarawih prayer is possible, but not in the mosque, but can be held at the family prayer center in your residence. Congregational prayers at the mosque should also not be done for a while. Also open together is not in the mosque, but done at home with your own family.

Suddenly many Muslims protested with this policy. They feel they are not given the right to worship. Apalgi in Ramadan, prayers in the mosque can add a lot of reward. They were disappointed and complained, because they could not tarawih as in the month of Ramadan last year.

Don’t be angry first when there is this prohibition. Actually the call for worship at home is also for your good. Although when leaving the prayer already ablution from home, wear masks, and bring their own prayer mats, plus in the mosque there is a placement of worshipers so there is still social distancing , but still dangerous. Corona virus can infect on the way to the mosque or from other worshipers who shake hands with you.

Do not force yourself to leave the house and desperate to find a mosque that holds tarawih prayers. If you later contract the covid-19 virus, then the loss will not be you, but all family members at home. Especially if there are still parents who live together, those who are already very vulnerable to corona, because their immunity has declined.

Besides that, do you remember when there was breaking news? A total of 10 people who are determined to pray at the mosque congregation even affected by Corona. They live in the Banyumas area. If already infected, of course the cost of treatment is also high, and must be entered into the isolation room at the hospital.

If the tarawih prayers and the 5 daily prayers at the congregation at home, is it still valid and also get merit from the Almighty? In certain circumstances, it is permissible to worship at home. In the days of the Companions of the Prophet there were also occasions when Muslims were encouraged to offer prayers at home , because of very bad weather . Even one part of the call to prayer was changed and when interpreted into Indonesian it became ‘prayer at home’ , by Ibn Abbas.

Islam is a religion full of peace and isn’t God most merciful? Don’t even protest about this policy, because if there are rules of worship, it can be changed when there are special events, such as the corona pandemic. MUI has also discussed this matter and discussed at length, before deciding to make a fatwa about worship at home.

Worship at home is for your own safety. Do not even be desperate because you want to hunt down the reward of Ramadan. Tarawih Prayer and 5 Prayers in congregation at home are still valid and have a great reward. Think about yourself and your family’s health first, and don’t violate the MUI fatwa.

) * The author is a Muslim United Millennial contributor

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